chaptet 52

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Taehyung drags you to your room and harshly throws you below on the floor. You yelp at the rough impact and turn around to face him, still laying on the floor.

"You are grounded for a month, you won't be seeing anyone or meeting anyone. You will live under the dim of darkness waiting for your light in your caged life," he grits and stands straight.

"Great then, but do you wanna hear one thing!" You scream and get up from the floor.

Taehyung stops in his tracks and stands still in his spot.

"I don't like you! Not even for a second," you spit with hatred as your eyes shot a piercing glare through his back.

"I hate you more than anyone else in this world, and your dumb brain thought that I fucking liked you! How could you even have such a mentality after abusing me for days? You think I will forgive your unworthy ass that easily?" You scoffed in disbelief as you shook your head with a ridiculous look shovelling him into the pit of dumbness.

Taehyung's mouth parts as his eyes shrink with unwanted sadness, he bits his lips trying to surpass his threatening tears.

"Look here!" You grab hold of your shoulders and turn him, making sure his broken face is very much visible to you.

You smile in satisfaction as you witness the expression you long hoped for. His very much broken face and tears clouded eyes that glitter under the lights of the room.

"I planned everything correctly so that I could bring your worthless pride under my feet, I wanted to make you suffer and go through the hell, just like how you made my life living hell. I hate that smile of yours, I wanted it to be erased and filled with agony. I may have failed in my attempt of revenge but I will never let you have a good life. Remember that" your chest paces back and forth as you maintain your thick glare at him. 

Taehyung stays glued to his spot as his face downs further in guilt.

"You are such a despicable man," you snarl at him with disgust coating your voice.

"Anyways who cares, the contract of this stupid marriage ends in a month,  and then I will divorce you and be free from this caged life,"

Taehyung's face darkens the moment he hears the word divorce.

You immediately turn around and cross your arms as the frown on your face deepens.

"Butterfly" he mumbles with a heartbroken state, the small voice of his didn't go unnoticed by you.

You instantly look at him with a confused face.

"What did you just call me?" Your low sounding voice alerts Taehyung as he mentally face palms himself for being so careless with his words.

"Nothing," he turns around to leave but you grab hold of his forearm and make him halt his way.

"You knew didn't you?" You slowly tell him after connecting the dots together.

Taehyung pauses his breath as his body tenses with panic.

You got your answer from his pin-drop silence. Of course, the great Kim Taehyung wouldn't easily forgive the mere poor girl who tried to assassinate their brother of his unless it was someone relatively close to him.

"Great," you uttered mockingly as you clap your hands.

"Here I thought that you might have had a tiny bit of character change," slowly you break down as you stumble backwards with tears jamming in your eyes.

"Y/n-" Taehyung tries to get hold of you but you raise your hands and stop him.

"No! Don't! I thought it was only me who faked everything but no, it's also you who hid the truth," you scream while pointing your finger at him.

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