chapter 12

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You stood near the car waiting for him to come back. Your thoughts kept wandering towards Jimin's words. He knew that your mother was admitted to the hospital even though you have never uttered this to anyone and you also signed the deal with Taehyung about not telling anyone about this matter. Then how did Jimin come to know about this matter? Is he somehow related to your mother's accident? You couldn't help but think about the possibilities. You need to silently do some research on your mother's accident and if you come to know any upper behind this then you won't allow living longer.

"What are you doing here!" Taehyung yells panting a bit, he looked as if he had searched the entire hospital looking for you.

"I was waiting for you outside the room but you weren't there hence I stayed there for a few minutes, I felt uncomfortable with the public so I decided to come here" you sprouted half truth and half lie. You didn't want him to know about your meeting with Jimin or Namjoon. Let it stay hidden till you find out the reason behind the accident with your mother.

Taehyung looks convinced as he calms down a bit, he opens the car door and seats himself inside. You also get in the car and put on the seatbelt. Taehyung grabs the water bottle and fills his thirst-driven throat with water.

"Next time don't go anywhere without telling me," he tells you.

You didn't want to assume but for a second you could see his worries for you as if he was genuinely scared that you might have detached away from him. You shook your head as you didn't want to complicate yourself. That man is a heartless bastard and in no way he would be worried about you when he is bent on making you suffer.

Taehyung starts the car and drives back to the mansion.


You collect your purse, open the car door and walk back straight into the house without waiting for Taehyung. He scoffs at your arrogance towards him, he gets out of the car and locks it. The security guard bows to him as he makes his way inside his mansion. He walks his way straight to your room ready to teach you some lesson regarding your attitude towards him.

"Taehyung where did you go?" Jisoo stops him in a hurry.

Taehyung looks at her and softens his expression.

"I took y/n to meet her mother" Taehyung smiles at her.

"Oh" Jisoo mumbles in disappointment.

"Can't she go alone? Must you really take her?" Jisoo asks as she is worried about the public outing of you and Taehyung. She didn't want you and Taehyung to be the face of some stupid rumours by paparazzi when she is getting engaged to him in a few days.

"I was just worried about her going alone" Taehyung tries to make Jisoo understand.

"I know Taehyung but if the paparazzi catch you two then they will start sole unnecessary rumours,"  she says as she hugs him.

" I don't want any rumours about you with women" she pouts as tightens her hold around him.

"Are you jealous?" He smirks while patting her head.

"You're mine" she mumbles like a possessive kid who refuses to share her toy with others.

"Then I guess y/n will create more problems for us I guess we should let her out"

"No No, I trust y/n, she is a good person. I don't trust other girls and the reporters" Jisoo didn't want to sound like a rude friend. She genuinely trusted and cared about you and she knows that you will never break her trust. Or as she thinks.

Taehyung internally smirks in joy as he plots his future plans. Jisoo trusts you so much and she means so much to you. It would be a really pleasant sight to see how he breaks you apart from her. How he will make her hate you. With the same mouth, she will spit hateful words and throw you out of the house. His evil mind blooms in ecstasy at the thought of you suffering.

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