chapter 20

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Your mind races with various thoughts after the recent incident of Jungkook. Why the heck is he bothering you when he hates you so much? Maybe it's his revenge for embarrassing him in front of the crowd in his house? You conclude that the reason might either resonate within these possible scenarios.

Not only he is bugging you constantly but he also freaking kissed you and made you an enemy to the majority of the girls in the college. You take a deep breath and exhale slowly. You look behind and notice him chatting with his gang of friends. You turn back and mumble some motivational speech to yourself and stand up. You move around and walk to Jungkook.

"Excuse me" you politely call for him.

Jungkook stops his chats and shifts his gaze at you.

"Please don't bother me. I'm sorry for pushing you. It wasn't my intention. All I wanted was to save my father that's it, it was just my instinct which took over me after witnessing my father being bullied by you. So I kindly apologise for my behaviour and please don't bother me again" you state to him with a long apology and clearly explain to him so that you won't have a misunderstanding and could lead a good life in college.

Jungkook squint's his eyes while he leans his right-hand elbow on the chair. His leg crossed looking like a boss.

"I don't worry. Since you apologised I'm not bothering you again with this matter" he tells you.

Your sigh in relief as you thank him and turn around to walk back but are stopped by his next words.

"But I have to deal with you for captivating me under your gaze," he says with his voice going deep, an evil smile creeping on his lips while looking at your figure.

Your face falls at his words. You remain speechless as you froze on your ground. Jungkook gets up from his seat and walks closer to you.

He leans forward, his lips closer to your ear. You could feel his hot breath against your skin, your heart beats at an aggressive pace as you felt his hands on your shoulders.

"Come and meet me after college in the backyard, I will wait for you" He whispers, his eyes narrowing at your face. He smirks before turning around and leaving the place.

Jimin's expression frowns when his gaze gets locked with yours. He releases an aggressive huff before fowling behind Jungkook.

You touch your chest as you take inhale deeply. What have you gotten yourself into?


You unconsciously walk to the bathroom. You look into the mirror analysing yourself. You don't look pretty or rich. Them why the sudden interest of Jungkook has been turned to you when he hated you with passion.

You open the tap and fill your hands with water, you splash the water straight onto your face, taking a deep breath. You straighten your body and dry your hands. You proceed to move out of the washroom but before you could exit you were harshly pulled and dragged into one of the toilet rooms.

"Who are you? Let me go" you whisper yell wiggling your wrist from the man's hold.

The male locks the door and turns to you.

"Jimin" you mouthed as your face frowns further.

His eyes radiate anger as his body burns with lava when looks at your stupid eyes. He roughly grips your shoulder, digging his nails into your skin.

"What did you do to him?" He growls with rage. You hiss in pain from his aggressive squeeze.

"Stop you're hurting me" your hands tried to prey his hands off you but he digs in further which causes you to scream in pain.

"Then answer me you whore!" He rasps

You shake your head in denial.

"I don't know anything! Please let me go" you whine while squirming against his death grip.

"Fuck! Don't play that innocent bitch role in front of me. You must have done something to get him under your pants, isn't it? You slut! My attention wasn't enough for you and now you go after my friend" He spats insult after insult as his burning eyes blazer through your body.

Suddenly few girls come inside and start knocking on the door.

Your eyes become large in fear. You didn't want to be caught with Jimin or else your name will flush down further as a two-timing girl.

Jimin's lips curve into an evil smirk as he looks at you.

"Should I open it?" He asks raising his eyebrows. You desperately shake your head, pleading with him with your tear eyes.

"Is someone inside? What's taking so long?" The girl shouts in annoyance after waiting for long

"Moan if you want to escape," Jimin tells.

You look at him with have you gone mad face.

"Or else she will suspect more," he tells throwing bricks over your broken tower.

You shut your eyes and release a small moan. Jimin presses his body against yours. You go wild and push him off you.

"Harder or else she will come to suspect" He smiles

You clench your fist. You hate this. You didn't want this at all. You want to repeatedly punch his face again and again.

You go harder and moan out loud.

"Yes baby, just like that ahh..calm my name" Jimin groans along with you, you mentally felt sick and urged to puke fills your body.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry to disturb" the girl squeals while laughing with her friends. She leaves out of the bathroom while giggling.

"Now stop!" You spit at him and push him off you. Jimin smirks as he moves away.

"Stay away from Jungkook if you want to lead a better life. He is no good news for you" He pats your shoulder and you immediately slap his hand off.

"See you" he flashes his dirty smirk.

You glare at him before getting out of the constarined bathroom.


Jimin is such an ass 🥴

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