chapter 21

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You mumbled a few curse words as you run to your class. Lisa comes near you and began to pat your head.

"Are you okay y/n?" She patiently asks.

Panic rushes through your body as you looked at her in shock. Once you see Lisa your instincts calmed down and took a relief breath.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" She gently asks you after witnessing your terrified expression.

"Nothing Lisa, I'm fine. It's just that I'm worried about my dad" you hid the Jimin incident from her and showcase her weak smile.

"Don't worry, he will be fine" Lisa hugs you and tells you not to worry much. You nod your head and smile at her.

"After the class is done let's go to the park and refresh ourselves okay?" Lisa tells you excitedly. You laugh at her attempts to cool you down.



Jungkook leans back on the wall, waiting for your arrival. His mind averts back to your face. He couldn't believe himself that he is actually waiting for a girl and his heart enjoys this stuff. He didn't what feeling has triggered in him by you but he is loving it all.

He lets out a deep sigh of tiredness as he waits for almost half an hour thinking that you might have had some job. Time passes by there is no sign of you. His rage increase with each second and soon he bursts out by screaming out loud. He impatiently walks into the college building block and searches through each room one by one, checking if you're inside the college building or not.

He opens each door like a mad serial killer searching for his victim. Few students who stayed back after the college becomes sacred when they saw Jungkook walking like a crazy person.

After completing the search around the whole college, his breath intake takes up at a fast pace and rage covers his sight.

"Where the fuck is she!" He growls as he looks around.

Soon he realises that either you might have sneakily escaped from him or forgot about the deal he talked about with you.

"I guess I went easy on you y/n. It's time to show what will happen if you trigger my inner beast" he says before sprinting off the place.


You took a bite of sausage and began to munch on it.

"How is it?" Lisa asks you while chewing her sausage down.

"Hmm, it's good" you moan in ecstasy at the spicy taste with a tint mixture of sweets.

"I know" Lisa proudly flips her hair.

"Try this cake too, the sausage and the cakes here are blasts" Lisa hands you a piece of red velvet cake. You laugh in acknowledgement as you take a bite of the cake.

"It's marvellous" you murmur between the food.

Lisa smiles while gulping down her cake pieces.

You and Lisa finish off the outing snacks with ice cream and proceed to walk back to your home.


Meanwhile, Mrs l/n is busy with the dinner preparation. She chops down the vegetables while looking at the television. The doorbell rings hard which gets her attention. She places the tray on the couch and runs to the attend the door.

The bell rings again and again which annoys Mrs L/n.

"I'm coming!" She shouts.

"Can't they wait for some time" she mumbles to herself before opening the door.

Soon once the knob was unlocked, the door was slammed open and mad looking boy comes inside uninvited.

"Excuse me! Who are you? And what sort of attitude is this?" She complains, her face showing a mixture of anger and confusion about the arrival of the unknown boy.

Jungkook ignores her series of questions and hurriedly walks inside checking her each room downstairs.

"Mister! Please get out!" Your mother yells but Jungkook remains deaf to her queries. He makes his way upstairs and unlocks each room. He opens the last room and is stopped by the sight of it.

He concludes that this room must be yours.

"What are you doing inside my daughter's room?" Your mother followed him to upstairs and questions in anger.

Jungkook walks inside and looks around.

There was no sign of you.

That means you didn't come to home yet. He let out a tsk as his hands are pasted on his hips.

He walks past your questioning mother and goes downstairs.

Mrs l/n is baffled and offended by the male's behaviour towards her. Not only be barged inside the house but is also ignoring her series of words. She goes back to downstairs and witnesses him sitting on the couch like a boss.

"Excuse me! What the heck are you doing inside my house!" Your mother raises her voice and asks him again. Jungkook rolls his eyes and waves his tongue off his cheek side.

"Is this some kind of Joke-"

Within seconds Jungkook gets up and grabs her throat.

"Shut up you nosy old bitch! I'm getting a headache from hearing your annoying voice! Just fucking shut up" he hisses out as his eyes shade red while his veins are visible through his arms.

Your mother's mouth widens as her eyes enlarge horrifically.

Soon Mr L/n comes back soon and notices the open house. His wife never lets the house open and immediately rushes inside the wide open door.

His body paralyses in shock when he witnesses his wife being choked by Jungkook. He runs to them and grabs hold of Jungkook's arm.

"Young Master Please let of my wife. Let her go pleased" he desperately cries while trying to push Jungkook off her.

Jungkook roughly lets go of Miss L/n's throat and looks down in disgust. Miss l/n coughs out as she gasps for air.

Your father crunches down and hugs your mother close to him.

"Honey, are you okay?" He checks Mrs L/n.  She weakly nods her head and looks above.

"Hey, you two worthless!" Jungkook points below at Mrs and Mr L/n.

"Make sure to let your daughter know that never ever go against my words or else worse things will happen. I want to meet her in a place and I should meet her! So as per good parents make her understand that she has to follow by my rules if she wants to be in my college"  he gives off his deadly threats before storming out


Another brat Jungkook has got some serious anger issues 😑

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