chapter 53

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Jungkook opens his eyes, and as he moves his gaze,  his view is greeted with his mother calling out for him, a doctor assisting him and his worried brother, Taehyung sitting by the chair near his bed, finally his eyes land on his sister in law, you, standing at the corner of the room with an uncaring expression.

"Jungkook, baby are you okay?" His mother leans forward and cups his face with her right hand.

His blurry vision clears the sight and the voice becomes much more clearer.

"Mom," he mumbles while squinting his eyes at her. Mrs Jeon's eyes widen in relief as she bends forward and nods her head in acknowledgement.

Taehyung helps Jungkook to get up and lean on the bedpost. Jungkook groans slightly as he places his hand on his forehead.

"What happened?" He asks with a husky weak voice.

"You fainted all of a sudden, we called the doctor and he informed us that you are stressing too much about your mem-" Taehyung cuts off Mrs Jeon in middle and finishes the last phase.

"-Your health"

Mrs Jeon looks at Taehyung with a questionable look.

"Oh," he groans and squeezes his eyes but as soon as his eyes land on you who is standing at one corner, his doe eyes go big, trembling at the sight of you.

"You?" He hisses as his vision slowly burns.

"Get out of my view," Jungkook growls. Taehyung looks baffled by Jungkook's response as he looks back and meets your figure.

Soon his mind flashes back to the scene where he rushed to meet you and tried to get into your pants, a sudden wave of pain hits his head, and a girl covered in blood and holding an axe ready to kill him, soon as he passes out on the floor.

"Hyung! Ask her to get out! She is a devil. She is trying to kill me!" He screams in dread as he throws the nearest pillow from his bed straight at you.

You cover your face and scowl at his childish activity against you.

"I'm out of here, " you roll your eyes and throw a threatening glare at Jungkook before leaving the place.

The moment you left Jungkook leaps on Taehyung and grabs hold of his hand.

"Hyung! Divorce this girl. She is not good for you. That girl screams danger and she even appeared with blood and an axe trying to kill me in my dreams, I feel like she might be a serial killer hyung. She seduced you and is trying to kill you," he finishes off and looks at Taehyung with a determined look.

Taehyung pulls off the Jungkook's hand from him and lets out a heavy sigh. His mood is spoiled by the second mention of divorce, that too from the male who previously had romantic feelings for his wife.

"Jungkook, take rest for now," he says and gets up from the place.

Jungkook goes whole as for the first time his request has been denied by his brother.

"Stay away from y/n," he tells with a dark tone and exits the place.

Mrs Jeon sighs out and pulls up Jungkook's blanket for Jungkook.

"Mom is hyung love?" He asks with utter shock, as he knew his brother is not the man to fall in love with a girl like you.

"Jungkook, Taehyung is right. Don't bother y/n from now on. Stay focused on your health and take a rest" she strictly tells him like a teacher who is giving off lectures to make the naughty kid right.

Jungkook scowls as if he is allergic to that girl who happens to stand as a riddle for him and his hyung. Taehyung's dark gaze felt as if Jungkook is a rival to his love.  He still couldn't understand the entire questioning look from his mother and his brother all because of a girl.


Taehyung follows you behind and shuts the door.

"Y/n about Jungkook-"

"If you are here to shout or blame me for his current condition then you are free to go even though I didn't do anything to him," you already guessed his intention of rushing his way towards you.

"No y/n, I'm not blaming you for anything. I know that you didn't do anything to him, I saw it in the CCTV camera,"

You let out a scoff, finding it funny. He only concluded after going through all the evidence otherwise he would have started another drama here with you.

"Great then, you can leave now," you turn your back to him.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you," he says after fighting with his inner sense.

"About what?" You question him harshly.

"I love you," he confessed

Your breathing slows down as you slowly process down his words.

"And I don't plan to divorce you anytime soon, you will be mine and remain as mine," Taehyung breaks down his words with a determined tone shattering your peace of mind.

"What did you say?" Your mouth falls apart as you slowly turn your head and face him.

"I won't let you go,"  he straightens his back and deeply stares at you.

You swiftly run to him, raising your hand and giving him a tight smack, sending his face sideways.

"The fuck you say? You wouldn't let me go? huh? Do you even hear for yourself!" You scream out showcasing your displeased reaction to his words, you grab hold of his collar and throw him your sharp glare.

"You shameless bastard!-"

Suddenly your vision blurs as you lose your balance and control of your body, resulting in your falling below, but before you could meet the ground, Taehyung reacts faster and swiftly catches you in his arms.

"Y/n! Y/n!" He screams in despair as you lose your sight and everything turns black.


"How is she?" Taehyung immediately asks the doctor in a panicked state.

The doctor smiles at him.

"Congratulations Mr Kim, Mrs Kim is pregnant,"

The moment those blessing words sprung out of the doctor's mouth, his tensed face brightens as tears of joy fills his eyes.

Mrs Jeon hugs her palms as she smiles wholeheartedly at the happy news.

Taehyung still has a chance with you, with his child that is growing inside you he can win you back in no time. Finally, he would be a happy family, you him and his baby.

But there is always a storm in every plan, and just like that, the man who hears this news isn't pleased with it all. Jungkook looked overheard the entire thing and clenched his fist in anger. He didn't know why but the uneasy feeling of killing that thing that is growing inside you filled his brain as sweetly as chocolate. He knows that all these malicious thoughts are not welcoming for his brother but he couldn't help the unknown burning anger that is raising to destroy the happy faces before him.



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