chapter 58

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"Argh!" You scream out as you lift your upper body up, clutching your head. You scanned your place as you found yourself back in your room on your bed.

"Y/n are you okay? Did something happen to you?" Taehyung places his hands on your palms as his eyes convey the worries he felt for you.

Your eyebrows frowned upon hearing his unexpected voice. You shifted your gaze to him and gulped down.

"What happened?" You ask him.

"Mom saw you laying unconscious on the floor and called me,"

Your mouth gaped as your eyes go wide.

Weren't you with Jungkook? He was confronting you after regaining his memories? Damn! He regained his memories.

Your heartbeat began to pace up when you realized the possibilities of his vicious plans.

"Y/n!" Taehyung call you out with a little louder voice.

You finch back and look at him with your frightened gaze. Taehyung noticed the dreadful horrified expression on your face. He cups your cheek and makes you look at him.

"What happened y/n? Did someone do anything to you?" His voice goes deeper and darker as if he will kill the person who made you in this state.

You shook your head and pushed his hands from your face.

"Hyung, Sister in law is scared for the safety of her unborn child,"

Your eyes look up and stop at Jungkook who is standing beside the doorframe, leaning his upper body on the doorframe.

"Isn't it sister-in-law?" His mocking voice could be very much visible to you.

You clutch your blankets and grip them tightly, unleashing your anger on the fabric.

"Y/n who is it? Who is the person trying to harm our child!" Taehyung's rage radiates the moment he listens to the life of his baby in danger.

"No that's not it, I think I might have fainted due to less consumption of food," you tell him while your gaze is fixed on Jungkook who is tilting his head and showing casing his evil smirk.

"Mom from now on please look after y/n and make sure she eats well," Taehyung says and gets from his seat and walks out of the room.

Mrs Jeon nods her head and leaves the place.

You immediately sprung out of the bed and grabbed hold of Jungkook's collar.

"What are you planning bastard? Why the heck are you lying to your deranged family!" You whisper yelled as your eyes bore holes through his eyes.

Jungkook smirks at your raging question and pulls off your hands from his collar as if it was no big deal. You stumbled down at his rough push from his shirt.

"I do what I like and I do what I want, right now all I want is your destruction baby," he whispers while curving his lips into a deadly smirk.


"Don't act innocent in front of me. It doesn't suit you, baby, just be yourself in front of me because I love you for you, not for the clone you portrayed back then to me," he fixes his shirt and maintains his cold tone.

"Do whatever you want but I won't budge from your threats, I have already sent you to hell and this time it won't be a difficult task for me," you also reply to him with the same energy and walk out of your room.

"Send me to hell? Hemp" Jungkook scoffs as if you just said the most ridiculous thing ever.

"If I go to hell then I will make sure to take you along with me because even after all these events you still belong to me, either by death or alive. I will make sure you suffer very badly for the sins you committed and then as the job of a good boyfriend I will comfort you and take you back in my arms," Jungkook smirks as he folds his hands and tilts his head wickedly.


"That cunning bastard!" You kick on the couch as you hold your forehead, tension building up inside you as you become worried about this new problem.

"This Taehyung is already creating problems in my life and suddenly out of nowhere this Jungkook jumps in and starts his vengeance against me" you sigh as you place yourself on the couch.

"I need to do something about this Jungkook before it gets out of my hands,"

Your gaze shifts in the direction where the phone rings. You lean forward and bring a phone in your hands.

You look at the display screen and go wide at the caller ID.

Min Yoongi

"Isn't be the same guy that Namjoon mentioned," you slowly click the accept button and bring the phone to your ears.

"Taehyung, I have cleared the man whom you had bad blood with. Just transfer the money to my account and the head of the male will be delivered to you as your reward-"

"Whom are you talking to?"

Taehyung's voice shutters your system as you look behind only to spot Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Is that you?-"

You immediately cut the call and bring the phone down. Taehyung's eyes move to your hands that are trying to hide his phone which is obvious to him.

"Why is my phone with you?"

Your mouth goes wide as you bring his phone up and look at it as if it's a new thing.

"Ah I was just-I was just looking at the time-yes time, I was checking the time," you stammered badly and kept on your poker face.

Taehyung squint's his eyes and shakes his head.

"Give it back," he extends his hand.

You nervously look at his phone before giving it back to him.

Taehyung looks at his phone and scrolls for a couple of seconds, he takes a glimpse of you before going through it phone.

"I'll take my leave, you can take a rest," Taehyung tells to which you nod your head and walk away from the place.

Once Taehyung makes sure you are away from the place, he makes a call for Yoongi.

"Arrange for the meeting I will join you soon," he tells

"Who was that Taehyung? Is that someone else?" Yoongi yells in frustration at the fear of the secret being revealed to others.

"Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I will take care of it. Let's continue our work,"



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