chapter 11

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You bring your mother's hands to your palms and smoothly rub your fingers against her skin. You smile at her and look at her sleeping face.

"Don't worry mother. I will never lose you. I will save you and you will be back to your normal life with your daughter" you calmly tell her. Your eyes shift to the ECG monitor that shows the normal beating rate of her heart.

"It's true then" you chuckle, bending your head.

Taehyung stands beside the door as he watches you converse with your mother. He could very relate to the scenario that you're going through. Because he was in the same position as you, talking to his brother who is fighting for his life. He couldn't even smirk in delight. Karma never leaves any person and it had been proved by reversing his entire suffering to you.

As he looks at you, his phone rings bringing him back to his state. He pulls out his phone and attends the call. He looks at you before moving out to have  privacy in attending his call.

You place her hand back on the bed and pull up her blankets closer.

"I will be back soon mother. Rest well and stay healthy" you sweetly tell her and get up from your seat. You look back for Taehyung but he seems to be nowhere.

You walk outside the room and look left and right in the hallway. He is not in your sight. Hence you decided to wait for him here otherwise he would use this as another opportunity to abuse you.

As you lean on the wall waiting for him your eyes slowly cross the hallway. Your eyebrows goes up when you spot the cop, Kim Namjoon with a document in his hands. You unknowingly smile and run to him.

"Mr Kim Namjoon" you call got him. Namjoon looks up and sees you standing in front of him.

"Miss y/n" he gasps in surprise with a mixture of happiness.

"How are you Namjoon?" You ask him as if you are really pleased to see him after so long.

"I'm fine y/n. How about you and how is Miss l/n?"

Your smile dropped at the question about your mother.

"I'm doing well and my m-mo" you take a deep breath "she is doing.....good too" you breathe out.

Namjoon notices your nervousness of words in between the sentences which confirms to him that something is not doing well with you.

"Did something happen?" He asks in worry because he knew that your life after Jail won't be a pleasant one and he could feel that from your sad face.


"Kim Namjoon did you go through the reports of the victim-"

You look up at the person who talks to Namjoon, walking towards him. The moment he locks his gaze with you he stands baffled on the floor.

"Chief," Namjoon bows to the male.

Your heart beats faster as you stare at the male. Park Jimin, best friend of Jeon Jungkook.

"Look who is here. The infamous murderer" Jimin mocks at you as he scans you from top to bottom. You become uncomfortably under his lusty gaze on you. Namjoon becomes confused at his chief's words towards you. Honestly, he didn't like the way he commented on you.

"Chief, y/n is no longer a prisoner. She is free and please refrain from commenting on such things about her. It's not a nice job of the cops" Namjoon speaks up after noticing your sad face.

"What!" Jimin scoffs in disbelief.

"Who do you think you are Namjoon? Huh?...Am I your head officer or is it you who has zero experience in this field huh!" He yells out, anger covering his face. Jimin hates being advised by anyone and that too by a lowly cop. Namjoon downs his head as if he is embarrassed by his words.

"And you miss killer" Jimin points his finger at you.

"You must be enjoying fucking his brother right? After destroying Jungkook's life you are back at finishing off his brother too!" He spats at you. You shut your mouth from growling out hateful words at him because you didn't want to create drama here but Jimin doesn't seem to stop. He keeps on insulting you with curse words and slut shamming you and your body.

"Such a filthy whore you are! You are a disgrace to this society. Why don't you just die and let people live in peace from money hungry bitch like you"

"No wonder even your stupid mother is fighting for her life. Just like my friend Jungkook. Karma is defiantly a bitch"

Namjoon clenches his fist at the hateful words being thrown at you. He opens his mouth to stop this nonsense but before he could start your loud shout stops him.

"Enough!" your eyes were covered with burning lava as you walk closer to Jimin. You raise your hand and give a hard smack across his cheek sending him flying down.

"Enough is enough you son of a bitch!" You spit at him. Jimin closes his eyes and touches his face in disbelief.

"Say one word again and I will become a killer in real to murder to alive!" Your voice growls with anger as you pierce your glare through his eyes. Jimin's face trembles with rage as he is still in denial state of disbelief.  You again throw a slap at his face.

Namjoon proudly smirks at your attitude. Indeed you are a strong woman. You know when to act and when to keep your mouth shut.

"Goodbye Namjoon" you bow to him and walk out of the hospital.

Jimin stays on the floor as he exhales out. He fisted his hands and hardly smacks the floor.

"Fuck! That bitch! You messed up with me, the park Jimin. I will make sure you get the same fate as your mother" he curses under his breath before getting up from the floor.


Jimin deserves that two slaps. 😂

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