chapter 2

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"Sir, his name is Kim Namjoon, he works as a cop in the seoul detective agency, he was the cop assigned to your brother's case"

Taehyung raises his eyebrows at the mention of his brother, all he could think was why would a cop have a friendly talk with a criminal.

Anger rushes through his veins when he realises the possible case, the man is young and you must have used your slutty behaviour to seduce him. He bangs hard on the table as his anger is about to reach its peak.

"That sneaky little bitch, I guess I need to show her place now" he immediately calls for his assistant.

Roy rushes and comes inside after his boss's sudden call.

"Yes sir, what can I do for you?" He asks at most politely not wanting to trigger the ranging beast.

"Destroy her place now, threaten her and give her a warning to away from that cop" his venomous voice chilled with an icy layer as he sounded.

"And make sure to warn that cop too, he must never come in her way ever again, do whatever you want"

"yes, sir" Roy nods and goes to his men to complete his boss's order.

Taehyung crosses his legs as his eyes stop at the portrait of his brother and him, smiling with each other on a summer in the beach.

"Don't worry Jungkook I will destroy her" he mumbles looking at his cherished photo.


"Mom I'll do all the work, please take some rest" you grab the packages from her and place it on the hallroom.

"Okay y/n, don't worry I take good care of health and doing these silly works won't kill me" she laughs at your overprotective attitude towards her, she felt her atmost happiness only with you being around, her precious daughter. 

You smiled at her and continued your packing work. As you place the box of packed things below, a harsh kick sends flying the cardboard box while the contents inside get scattered around.

You look up and witness a few unknown men lurking in your house.

"Who are you guys? Get out before I call the cops" you bring your phone out and try to threaten the men.

"Says the criminal who just came out of the jail" scoffs the man while his minions laugh at his statement of mockery towards you.

Your mother rushes down and stands beside you, protecting you from further disaster.

"Please leave us alone, we didn't do anything to anyone" she pleads, attaching her hands and begging the mem to leave them alone.

"Mom don't," you whisper trying to pull her hands away but she stands before you and continues to beg the arrogant man.

"That sounds more like an obedient dog isn't it?" He smirks as if he won over something big in life. He shifts his attention toward you.

"Shouldn't you learn some manners from your mother huh?" He shows off his dominance which you hated to the core.

You clench your fist from hitting him on his face and remain calm for the sake of your mother.

"Destroy everything guys" the leader of the goon orders and all his minions storm into our rooms and kitchens to destroy all our items and making a mess of our house.

"Please don-" before your mom could finish her words, the make roughly grabs her hair and pulls her back.

"No, leave my mom!" You run the leader of the goon who is holding your mother. You were shoved away from him causing you to fall on the floor and hurt your elbow.

"Stay back wench," he warns you and tightens his grip on your mother's hair.

You still get up and run back at him to save your mother, he rolls his eyes in annoyance and throws your mother away, he grabs your jaw and digs his nails on your fragile skin.

"You never listen, don't you? I hate festy ones" he throws you below and kicks you multiple times on your body.

You hug your body to reduce the pain of each hard kick which was being landed on you.

"Useless bitch! Die" he growls continuing his abuse towards you.

"Let my daughter go please!" She grabs hold of his legs in an attempt to stop him further hitting you but he shoves her away from him.

"M-mom" you whimper at your helpless mother, your heart crushed to see her go through this because of you.

"Our boss will happy to see you in this condition" he grins at his art which implicated on you, he takes his phone and clicks a couple of pictures of your bruised body.

You try to crawl to your mother but he stamps on your leg hard as he clicks multiple photos with your scream of pain face.

"No my child!" Your mother screams and tries her best to come to you.

His goons walk down after destroying your house completely and making a mess of the whole house.

"Boss it's destroyed as you said" snickers his minions, the leader grins before letting you go.

"Stay away from that detective useless bitch!" He snarls before walking off from your house.

You cry silently hugging your body tightly.

"Why is it me? Why?" You whimper between your sobs, while your mother limps towards you.

She falls beside you and gently pull your head onto her lap and gently caresses your sobbing face.

"Don't cry my child, we will escape this hell soon" she tries to comfort you but she breaks into sobs of pain as well.

"Don't cry y/n, seeing you hurt pains me more" she hugs you closer.

"No mom! Don't cry, please, I won't cry anymore mom, okay" you hug her back and try to add some comfort words back to her, you didn't want your mother to cry for you, her health is already in bad condition and you didn't want to pressurize more.

You knew the boss behind these goons to attack your house and you, It must be Kim Taehyung, that coward who sent his goons to threaten you but you won't give in, you won't break down, you will fight and you will never give his happiness of seeing you cry.

You will fight him.


Taehyung is such a bastard in this, I wish to punch him 😤

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