chapter 24 (M)

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Warnings ⚠️ rape ahead!

You kick the stone blocking your pathway on the road as you clench your grip around your bag's strap. You hum the tune of the song you're listening to while walking on the road.

A car drives at high speed far behind you and stops right before you. You flinch back at the sudden halt of the car before you.

The car door flung open and Jungkook aggressively walks out. Your gaze quivers as you move back in fear. Once you realize that Jungkook is approaching you at a fast pace you turn and try to run but he instantly comes near you and grabs your forearm.

"Say goodbye to the outside world bitch" he snarls before shutting your mouth with a cloth absorbed with chemicals. You hold your breath trying not to inhale it. You take this opportunity to squirm and try to wiggle out of his grip but fail badly. Soon you give up and fall unconscious in his arms.

Jungkook throws you over his shoulder and places you in the backseat of his car.

He gets inside the car and drives off from the road.


Your black spots clear off slowly as the visible view is cleared to your blurry eyes. Once you gain your consciousness back, you flung open and jerk your body upwards.

Your mouth is taped and your hands are tied, you let out a muffled sound of help as you squirm your wrists from the rope.

You look around the room you are locked in. It's a nicely furnished room, it almost resembles a 5-star hotel room.

"So you are awake," the coldness behind the voice alerts you to snap your head to the right side.

"Jungkook" you mumble but a muffled voice comes out due to your lips being tapped.

He gets up from his chair and crawls on the bed near your body. You immediately move away from him.

He leans closer and stuffs himself into your neck. He inhales deeply while in taking your scent on him.

"You smell the same y/n. Just like on the day I kissed you" he says in his husky voice sending shivers down your spine.

You finally realised that Jungkook is obsessed with you, and more importantly, he is obsessed with your body. He lusts after you.

You shook your head trying to get him away from you. Jungkook chuckles before withdrawing himself away from you.

"You look more pretty with your mouth tapped and your hand tied" he giggles like a mentally deranged man. In fact, you could conclude that he is mentally sick.

"Now tell me why did you go to my house and complain about me to her?" He asks while folding his hands.

Your tears fall unconditionally as you look at your current state. You shake your head in denial.

"Fine, let's say you did a grave mistake by getting into my family because toys like you are meant to be below us!" He growls and grips your shirt. You gaped at him while looking at your shirt and back at him.

Your eyes convey him not to do anything that you think is gonna happen.

"Sorry babydoll, today is my day" he smirks as he rips off your shirts. You let out a muffled cry as you get away from him. Trying to cover your chest with your tied forearms.

Jungkook pulls you near him and his lustful eyes travel across your bra which is revealed through your ripped shirt.

His hungry eyes look at you like you are his prey and he is your predator. His hands rip off your bra and reveal your breast. He smirks before attaching his lips to your right breast while his left-hand works on your left breast, massaging them.

"Mmm, my sweet baby" he moans while abusing your chest.

You aggressively shake your head and your legs wanting to push him off you.

You desperately cry as he abuses your upper body without your consent. All you could  was pray for someone to push past the door and save you from this sexual assault you facing.

Jungkook's hand pulls your skirt and throws it away. Your legs wiggle as you try to crawl away from him but he catches your ankles and pulls you to him. He clenches your panty and pulls it down. He smells your underwear like a creep and licks your lips while putting it on the table.

Your teary face morphs into disgust at his act of being a creep. You still try to fight throwing kicks in his direction. Jungkook angers by your feisty attitude and slaps you hard on your face.

"Behave whore!" He snarls before unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants. His erected length is ready to be flushed into you.

You shake your head not wanting this at all.

"It will feel really good baby. Trust me" his evil smile is visible before plugging himself inside you.

You scream through your tape as you clench your fist. The pain was unbearable and considering it's your first time and that too forced. Jungkook saw the blood leaking due to his length inside you.

"I guess I'm your first huh" He smirks in victory.

You release a hopeless cry as you kick your legs in multiple directions. He holds your legs in a place and closes his eyes in ecstasy.

"Oh fuck! Ahh, You feel so good" he groans as he adjusts himself inside you. He begins to move and slowly started to increase his pace of thrust. The pleasure hits him hard while the poor soul underneath him is destroyed by intense pain.

Your body jerks up at his every rough thrust as you lay on the bed with no reaction.

You could no longer protest, scream or fight. You had given up and let him consume your body as he wishes. Your body felt numb at his every rough thrust and your soul has drained away from you. He takes you in different positions while you remain still like a dead corpse.

He groans out before releasing himself inside you. Your tear-stained cheeks with red coated over them visible for him to wreak you more.

He lies beside you and shifts himself to your direction. He hugs your destroyed body close to him and furnishes himself with your scent.

"You are the best baby, I will keep you forever with me as my personal sex slave. You fit well for that," he mutters pulling you near him and making you look at him. He pulls your tape from your mouth. You gasp in fresh air as you cough. Your chest moving in moving up and down in rhythm.

He stares at your lips before smashing his against yours. You grow shock as you couldn't process what he just did.

Jungkook kisses you deeply as he explores through your mouth. He pinches your back causing your lips to part and giving him access to your mouth. His tongue rolls over yours as he pulls your body close to him.

You try to push him off but his strength dominates over yours.

Finally, after a few minutes, he pulls back and looks at you. He loves the messy looks made on your face.

His hand caresses your checks.

"You're only mine y/n. Mine to fuck and keep" he growls possessively.

You just stare at him while trying to process what has happened to you just now. You were kidnapped, and raped and the rapist is now claiming you as his.

Your world spins so fast that you didn't didn't how everything happened so fast.  you try to gain the incidents that have occurred to you. You are ruined. Your body has been ruined by a man with whom you never wanted to get along. It all felt like a nightmare.  You look at him before falling unconscious.


Our poor y/n 😭😭

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