chapter 17

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You lay on the bed and reflect on the scenarios that happened today. Today was your 3rd day in college and you already witnessed a poor boy getting beaten to death and Jimin trying to hit on you. But thank god that somehow you escaped from Jimin.

After you ran away from him you went straight to the classroom and you found your friends sitting there in worry. Lisa came and gave a big lecture about Jimin and flirty tactics and how careful you should be around with him.

You sigh in annoyance as you do into deep thoughts about getting Jimin off your back.

"Did you eat y/n?" Your mother sits beside you and smoothly rubs your scalp. You move towards her and lay your head on her lap. You shake your head as you press your cheeks against her thighs. You felt safe and secure with your mom.

Your mother smiles as she brushes against your hair.

"What's the wrong y/n? Did something happen in school" she did notice the fallen face and she decided to enquire about you. After all, it's been only three days since you changed your college.

"Nothing mom, I'm just worried about my future"

Honestly, it's the truth, you felt uneasy when you came to this college for the first time except for the fact that you got amazing friends but still your worries for the future haunt you back and forth. You don't what you will facing and what kind of people you have deal. First the college is system is completely corrupted and run by some goons guys, the second one of them trying to get under your pant and third your friends warning you to be careful. All these things crawl inside your brain and make you visualise horrible future scenarios.

"Baby, it's okay to be cautious but don't overthink. Just go with the flow and let's see what happens in future. Don't waste your life thinking about what will happen next. Just enjoy your present life and stay happy. That's what all want " she calmly tells you. You smile at her and snuggle closer to her.

"Sure mom. I love you" you tell her as you shut your eyes to sleep.

"Mee too y/n" she kisses on top of your forehead and stays with you till you fall asleep. Once she felt you snoring she carefully lies you on the bed and pulls out the blanket and covers it above you.

She moves and switches off the lights and closes the door before leaving from the room.


"Hey y/n, do you know Jungkook is arranging a party in his house," Lisa says with a boredom face in the conference call with you and Hana.

"Yes I heard that too, honestly this is the first time he has invited all his classmates to the party rather than calling his kown people" Hana tells with curiosity as if she is genuinely interested how rich people enjoy in such big parties.

"What for?" You ask.

"He won the recent match and he has got the top score in the exams. I think it's fit that" Hana immediately explains.

"Oh, well I'll pass it. I don't wanna go there" you politely tell them. To be fran you aren't even one percentage interested in their boring party. You will fine in a home with yourself.

"But y/n this is one in a million chance. Let's just go and see what happens there" Hana whines, she is very much interested in getting to know and curious about their lifestyle and his house.

You sigh and Lisa also rolls her eyes through the phone.

"Hana? I'm sure we won't be having any fun there" Lisa says with annoyance but Hana continues with her pouty face and whines to make you and Lisa accept her wish.

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