chapter 14

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Your bare feet wobble on the road as your tearful eyes immerse with sorrow. Whispers from people surrounding you could be heard but you cloud no longer hear them, your soul has already left your body and there is nothing could feel about anything. Even hateful comments about you from the people and a few pitiful remarks about your attire.

You look up and spot an empty seat near the bus stop. You go up and seat yourself on the place and have a deep thinking about your life ahead. Your innocent mother is harmed because of your existence. Your friends are involved and played because of you. You are used and ruined by men again and again. Only if you didn't exist none of this would have happened to you.

You look up and stare at the road with some intensity. You stand up and unconsciously walk towards the road. The people surrounding you look baffled and they back off as if they had encountered a crazy woman.

The sound of horns from the vehicle passing by you was loud enough for the people to look horrified but you remain deaf to all sounds and your surrounding. A loud horn breaks through your ear as you look at the bright light shining on its way to you. A sudden brake was applied to cause the car to stop inches before you. The car door opens and Taehyung walks out hurriedly with a daring expression on his face.

"Let's go home" he growls as he grabs your wrist and pushes you inside the car.

"Where the fuck did you go!!" He yells while pressing on the accelerator as his hands clench around the steering wheel.

You shut your mouth as you look away from him. Taehyung's anger peaks again when he doesn't get any response from you.

"Are you deaf or what! Why were you trying to kill yourself? Have you gone crazy bitch?"

You maintain your silence, ignoring his yells at you.

"Fine be quiet! I will ask the professional technicians to stop your mother's treatment" He tells his final tool to make you one your mouth to him.

You look at him shocked and baffled by his words.

"What? Scared? Then fucking open your mouth and tell me!" He desperately shouts at you.

The car comes to halt as you jerk forward. You get out of the car and hurry inside the mansion. Taehyung furiously hits the steering wheel before kicking his way out of the car. He storms behind you, he goes straight to your room and locks the door.

"Your attitude is fucking pissing me off-"

You remove your shirt and show him your upper body filled with scars and purple marks.

His lips part as he watches your body coated with bloody marks. His burning eyes soften at the horrible sight of your body. Soon he realizes that someone must have touched you when he was away. Some man had the guts to touch his stuff under his nose. His fingers fisted as uncontrollable rage fills his body.

"I was kidnapped and raped by your fellow mate. Happy!" You say casually as if you weren't tortured and raped a few moments ago.

You notice his worried face.

"What? Didn't you do this to me every day? Torture me! Beat me! ....." You wanted to laugh at his hypocritical reaction. He is no less than that rapist.

You wear back you dress and walk inside the washroom. You the shut bathroom door and lean against the door. Salt water fills your eyes as you recall past scenarios.

"No! Stop! Let me go!"

"I love you so much baby, you take me so well" he moans out as he remains deaf to your pleads. His rough thrusts inside you continue as your plead for help continues.

"No! Help!!" You cry out miserably.

"Stop screaming for help baby, there is no one to save you. You're under me and will stay under me" he rasps as he attaches his dirty sinful lips to yours.

You shut your ears as you remember your pleads for help when you were raped for the first time by that man. Now again you're in the same situation where these men use your body whenever they like.

You shake your head as you sob your feelings out. The amount of torture you have faced in these years is uncontrollable and still, it's counting on. You don't know when you will give up and pass away without any knowledge. You don't know if you are strong enough to fight this cruelty.

You slide down as you cry harder, tears releasing continuously so your broken voice.

You rush to the bathtub and pull out the shower tube. You press the shower tube as the water pours on your body. You scrub off his dirty touches from your skin.

"Park Jimin! I will never let you be peaceful" you spit in hatred as you dig your nails into your skin.


You lay down on the bed after one hour of your shower. Taehyung informed his maid to keep the food on your bed as he didn't want to disturb you further. He knew your body state isn't good for him to ask more about the incident hence he let you be as you are for the night.

Honestly, you were pleased that he decided to leave you alone. At least you could breathe on freedom for some time.

You close your eyes hoping that these bad dreams will vanish soon. As you drown to your state of rest, your mind travels back to the past where everything began. To him. Your misery and your hell.


"Jeon jungkook! Jeon jungkook!" The girls scream out for their favourite boy's soon victory.

Jungkook's body is drenched with sweat as he bends his back while placing his hands on his knees waiting for the ball to arrive near his place. Once they throw the ball he jumps above and pulls the ball near him. He bounces the balm and runs to his goal as his rival teammates chase him. He jumps above and throws the ball into the goal net.

Loud cheers and claps were gifted to him as the girls, more importantly, his fans couldn't contain their extreme happiness seeing their man win the match.

Jungkook dives to the crowd as he raises his fisted hands above in victory.

He looks back at the lost team. The leader of his opposite team comes forwards and extends his hands to him.

"You're indeed talented, congratulations" he gives out his hand of friendship but Jungkook shoves his hand away, showing off his arrogance.

"Jeon Jungkook doesn't shake hands with losers," Jungkook tells in mockery to the male who looks shocked about his action.

"Stay in your place" he rasp out as he walks away from the boy.


Okay flashback has started..... Upcoming chapters will be flashbacks.

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