chapter 50

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"Jungkook" Taehyung's nervous voice brings Jungkook's attention to him.

"Yes, Hyung?" He acknowledges.

"Do you seriously don't know her?" Taehyung asks while pointing his finger at you.

"Should I?" He asks with uncertainty.

"No, it's not like that-"

"She is Taehyung's wife Jungkook," Mrs Jeon steps forward and cuts off Taehyung's sentence in middle.

A sudden wave of shock hits Jungkook as he looks taken aback by the unexpected statement from his mother.

"Hyung when did this happen?" His eyes go back and forth between you and Taehyung.

Taehyung brings his hands and cups his brother affectionately.

"It just happened Jungkook," Taehyung mumbled in low voice.

"Hyung-" Jungkook's voice breaks as he immediately hugs his brother dearly, feeling happy for his brother to find the perfect girl for him.

"You have no idea how much happy I am for you"

Taehyung's lips curve into a genuinely warm smile as he pats his baby brother.

"Congratulations Hyung," Jungkook retreats and displays his cute smile.

"Thank you Jungkook,"

Jungkook averts his gaze and meets your eyes maintaining his sweet smile. He was towards you and stands before you with a few centimetres separating you from him.

Jungkook extends his hand to greet you.

"Nice to meet you, my sister-in-law," he says as he tilts his head and the corner of his lips edges into a threatening smirk.

Taehyung warmly watches Jungkook getting along to form a bond of friendship with you, his wife. Right now he couldn't ask for more, his wife for him and Jungkook forgetting his memories, erasing his dark past is a good to start over in his life.

Your eyes move to his hands before meeting his mysterious eyes. You scoffed annoyingly and walked away from the place without greeting the man who drowned his pride to say hello to his sister-in-law.

Jungkook's eyes go big as his mouth parts while his hands remain still in the same position, frozen by your attitude towards him.

Taehyung's features go dark the moment you deliberately ignored his brother's advances and the same goes for Mrs Jeon except that she is well aware of your ignorance of Jungkook due to your past with him.

His eyes twitch in annoyance as he watches you walk away from him.

"Jungkook, rest well for now," says Taehyung as he steps forward and follows you behind.

Mrs Jeon helps Jungkook back to his bed but the curious boy wants to know the reason why his sister-in-law dislikes him.


You throw your wallet on the bed, clenching your hair in frustration. Your heart paced in fear when your eyes locked with his, the way he glared at you still sends chills to you. The very man who is responsible for your father's death. How can shake hands with that man who used the same hands to kill your family and tried to assassinate you.

Drops of tears flow from your eyes as you shut your eyes.

Taehyung slams open the door and pull your forearm and faces you.

"What was that" he growls, lace of anger with a mixture of annoyance shades in his voice while piercing his gaze through your eyes.

"Let me go," you wiggle your hands and try to prey his grip off you but he seems resistant to your advances and tightens further, digging his nails through your skin.

"Stop it," you squeal as you yank your arms from him and step back with a hard glare.

Taehyung's breath flares with rage as he bore holes through you.

"He was being polite and tried to get along with you but you had to be a bitch, showing off your attitude towards him!" He yells at the last phase causing you to flinch from his roar.

"I hate him" you grunt displaying your resentment for the man who ruined your life.

"You hate him? Wasn't it you who approached him and seduced him into your web of schemes and made him fall for you so that you can grab hold of his money!"

Your eyes go wide, looking at the man who sweet-talked with you a few minutes earlier and now he is behaving like a complete asshole who resents you.

"Hah, don't tell me you forgot that you went to prison for trying to kill someone?" He claps in mockery while tilting his head with an expression of disgust.

Your face fell from his accusation, recalling the past incidents.

Taehyung walks forward and stops before you.

"I still didn't forget the sight of you screaming to kill my brother" his venous voice latches with the threat along with a warning not to mess with him and his family.

"Coated with the blood of my innocent brother! You think you will escape it!" He hisses like a venous snake ready to launch on you any moment.

You gulp down as your eyes ball vibrate as your body hair stands up, slowly fear taking over you.

Taehyung looks at you one last before marching out of the room and slamming shut the door.

You watch him exiting the room with teary eyes. You scoffed at yourself for believing in him for having some ounces of change but he is the same asshole who would talk shit and do badly on the people he deeply hates and you are most definitely one among them or else these words wouldn't easily come from his mouth.

His duality is the one which is scaring you to the core. You aren't aware of his mood swings and now since that beast is awake you need to be more aware of your surroundings.

"Don't worry Taehyung one day you will pay for this," you mumble while rubbing your bruised arm which was caused by his strong grip on your skin.


"How are you Jungkook?" The doctor asks while inspecting the documents.

"I'm feeling good," Jungkook replies.

"Good, eat healthy food and rest for now, okay?"

"Yes, doctor" Jungkook smiles.

Mrs Jeon leads the doctor out of the room and stands before him.

"Why can't he remember a few parts of his memories?" Mrs Jeon asks the doctor.

"Honestly I expected it, Jungkook's head injury was pretty deep and this has resulted in his loss of memories,  Nothing to worry Mrs Jeon,  his memories will be back soon but for now don't pressure him,"

Mrs Jeon nods in agreement.

"Make sure to give him these medicines. I will see him next week" the doctors leave the place.

Miyeon looks back at her son who is sleeping on his bed. She lets out a heavy sigh, hoping for a good future.



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