chapter 57

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"I love you y/n, more than my life" Jungkook holds your hand and confesses his feelings for you, his eyes glowing with a desperate longing for you.

You remain silent and look at him with a baffled expression.

"Will you marry me?" He asks



"I promise to marry you to y/n Jungkook, as your Hyung it's my duty to fulfil your wishes,"

Jungkook immediately hugs Taehyung with a happy relief happy.

"Thank you so much, Hyung,"

Taehyung smiles as he smoothly rubs the back of Jungkook.

"Today is the day you are gonna get married to her Jungkook,"

"Jungkook I'm happy for you and y/n, I'm sure you will take good care of her," Mrs Jeon tells as she cups Jungkook's chin with her right hand and shows her hearty smile.

"Thank you mom and I will never let go of my love," Jungkook smiles at his mother.


"Y/n escaped Jungkook! She ran away from the wedding!" Screams Mrs Jeon breaking the poor boy's heart into pieces.
Jungkook looks at the document of your abortion, his grip on the files threatens as his eyes rage with fire.

You aborted his child, you killed his baby. His only blood.

How could you! His breath flares with anger while crushes the document in his hands.

Jungkook drives his car, accelerating it at high speed while his hands on the stirring wheel work skillfully, he drives straight to your taxi and crashes it on the back, pushing the car into the cliff edge. Madness, betrayal, anger and pain covering his eyes. Ready to kill you for giving him fake hopes and murdering his child.
"I hate you! How dare you kill me child!" He yells throwing a heavy punch at your face before turning to your father.

He pulls out the axe and gives a hard strike at your father.

"Don't touch my family ever again!" You scream at him as you strike the axe straight at the back of his head driving him straight into the state of the unconscious.

"Argh!" Jungkook screams covering his head, his eyes drenched with red veins as his pupils shake. He falls on the floor clenching his head, his hands form into a fist and repeatedly hits the floor as he screams out in despair.

"How could you!! How could you Y/N L/N!" He yells out in despair.

His eyes turn into sharp glares as he looks up and punches the floor one last time before getting up and facing the door with fiercely.

"You think you will live peacefully with your bastard child and my brother? Never! Not until I'm breathing alive," his low deep voice sharpened ready to finish his deep unfinished grudge against the girl who he had fallen in love with.

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