Character Sheet: Luz Drake

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Age: 14

Gender: Non-Binary but uses She/Her pronouns. She despises female clothes and will literally use you as her dummy if you try to make her wear a dress

Secret Trait Only Known To Her Sister and Later Her Loved Ones: A Human Calculator, Mechatronics/Technology, Weapons Prodigy. Because of how her mind works, she tends to be over-excited and very in-your-face when it comes to anything she is passionate about from her favorite series The Good Witch Azurato her mecha, and technology experiments. Though there is a massive drawback, if she is left to her own devices for too long or when she is too focused on a theory revolving around math or technology she will spiral down the 'rabbit hole' in which no one but her sister(later Amity, Amelia, Willow, Gus, and the Owl House gang) can bring her back from that state.


-Brownish-reddish eyes, a tiny bit lighter than her sister but still intimidating to anyone who pisses her off
-Tan Skin
-Dark bags under her eyes from a shit load of all-nighters and insomnia from nightmares
-And a bit tall for her age group about five foot nine and a half and still growing
-Grayish-White tank top similar to her older sister but has a small Azura patch sewn onto the right breast area( She has an identical massive Chinese dragon tattoo to hersister but instead of it being dark red, it's dark purple and its head is resting on her right shoulder. Glaring at you with is dark red eyes.)
-Dark purple zipped-up hoodie that is always open for mobility and to be able to grab her twin blades at a moment's notice
-Slightly baggy cargo shorts with black tights underneath
-Heavy duty steel toed combat boots
-She wears a special Azura-themed dog tag that has both her and Lucia's name and birthdate engraved on them along with a matching black ring next to them which is too big
-Wears her signature dark grey beanie with matching wolf ears sown onto them. She wears it to hide her fucked up ears and because she wants to match with her sister
-Always carries her twin short swords(Think of Pit's swords) that she can convert into a bow when both are connected together(In Lucia's words," She never misses her target")
-Similar to her sister, she got top surgery done to not hinder moment or stand out 

Her Public Persona: Exact the same as her sister but is more curious and adventurous than her so people tend to see her as more of the approachable one than Lucia.

Her Public Persona: Extremely bubbly, hyper, and is signing everything a mile a minute when she describes her latest weapon, gear or just learning some new on the Isles. Lucia calls her a hyperactive puppy and she loves it as well as she always is there to play with King or show him how to make small weapons out of wood for his army games.


-Kind and extremely bubbly with her sister, King, Eda, and her friends(Later on with Amity and Amelia as well)
-Caring and helpful
-Street smart and a massive nerd with all subjects and more so with magic
-Handy and can fix just about anything that is either mechanical, electrical, and digital
-Very clumsy at times
-Very childish/childlike when her body and mind both agree she is at her safest
-somewhat of an anti-social when she is anxious, scared, or talking to kids her own age

-She is more protective than her sister and will literally destroy anyone who hurts her loved ones


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Girlfriend/Lover: Amity Blight

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