Ruby Evans is a girl who can create fire with her own body. However, she hides her power even with the person she trusts the most for the fear of being stabbed with a silver penknife, believing that she is Flame, the goddess of fire and hell.
Even t...
As they climbed the stairs toward the Gates of Hell, Dylan watched as the deep red waters of the small lava stream cleared and changed to crystal-clear green waters.
Dylan: I haven't seen this color in the water for years. Can lava be blue? Ruby: (Dips her hand into the stream of water) It's cold. Dylan: It's water? (Dips his hand into the water) It's really water!
Arriving in front of the Gates of Hell, the first thing they saw was a symbol representing the God of the Underworld.
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Ruby: (Rests her right hand next to the symbol on the door) Jack: You've got the keys, Apple Pie.
Ruby, remembering the Keys of Hell, looked away from the symbol on the door and lowered her gaze to the Bracelet of Hell, where, being the fifth Piece of Sapphire, the key was embedded.
Ruby then took the Key out of the bracelet, and inserted it into the door lock without turning it.
Hades: (Seeing that Ruby doesn't open the door) Do you need help? Ruby: No, I'm fine. (After some seconds of silence) Do you think it'll really work? Hades: You're the goddess of fire and you're using the Keys of Hell. Why wouldn't it work? Jack: Apple Pie, you know it'll work. You're just a bit scared. Dylan: You are a pirate goddess, you have fought hundreds of sea creatures, and you are more afraid of turning a key? Ruby: You're right. (Turns the key)
As the key was turned, the door opened instantly, and both Ruby and Dylan were able to appreciate the elements of nature that they had not seen since before they died.
Dylan: (When seeing the sky) I hadn't seen the color of that sky for years. Ruby: I can feel the air.
Ruby tried to reach her hand through the now open door, but an invisible wall stopped her.
Dylan watched as Ruby placed her hand on that non-existent wall and immediately understood what it was about.
Dylan: (To Ruby) Your chains. Ruby: (Still with her hand resting on the door) I can't cross. This door is closed to me. Dylan: What does that mean? Ruby: I don't know. The only thing I know is that I'm trapped down here. It's not easy to go back to life. Marty: It's not easy but it's also not impossible. Johari, Jack, and I have done it. Ruby: But for the Goddess of Death things are different, Marty. Different and more complicated. Johari: At this point, we're not in such a difficult situation anymore, Ruby. You just need the Heart of Fire, and we already have that. Ruby: That heart may be in your hands, or even in mine. But it's not worth it if it's not inside me. And the only one who can put it back is the one who took it out. And guess what? Davy Jones' dead! Jack: (Rests his hand on Ruby's shoulder to calm her) Apple Pie? Ruby: (Looking at the warm climate of the Caribbean) You know, Jack, I've been trapped in my own home for over two years, looking at it from Flame's point of view, and with each passing day, my hopes of ever sailing a sea under the sun grow dimmer. I feel like going through this door is something impossible for me. Something I'll never be able to do again. Jack: (After almost a minute of silence) You'll do it. I promise you that you will do it. Today, Ruby Evans will be released from the Hell of the Caribbean, and will be able to sail the Caribbean Sea again.