Chapter 10 [Next Opponents]

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Date: 26th April, Monday

Tenma' POV

Coach Endou wanted everyone to be there for a meeting early in the morning. As always i wasn't that psyched waking up early in the morning. Still i'm pretty sure we all wanted to know about the avatar that Tsurugi had, so no doubt everyone would be there. I rolled off the bed and freshened up before putting on my uniform.

I came out of my room and Aki-nee said that it was surprising that i was up so early. I told her that we had a meeting early in the morning in with the club. After having the breakfast i headed to the school. When i had reached the school i realized i never bumped into Shinsuke or Aoi which was weird since we actually meet up on the way everyday.

I walked over to the club and entered the meeting room, and no one was there. I just sat down in my regularly seating place and waited.

'God this is boring'

I decided to take a short nap since i was really sleepy.

I heard few snickering when i was sleeping sound-fully. I got up and scratched my eyes to wake up. As my vision cleared up i saw that everyone had already arrived. "Did you sleep well?" Hamano asked with a weird smile. I just nodded slowly while another yawn came out.

"Okay, Everyone let's start the meeting!" I heard Coach Endou exclaimed as he walked through the door. As he stood at the front of the board he took a quick scan around to check if everyone was here or not. He suddenly paused while looking at me.

"Uhh... Tenma? Did you remember to wash your face?" He asked confused. I just said "i didn't sleep well last night that's all. But no worries you have my attention" Coach Endou still stared for awhile before asking again "You sure you don't wanna wash your face?I mean we can delay the meeting till you just wash your face" I was really confused but i guess it wouldn't be bad to freshen up a bit so i excused and walked to the toilet. As i walked over to the mirror, I saw what might have confused coach Endou so much.

Someone one drew on my face. I slammed my hands on the desk as i became a bit mortified. After rinsing my face with water, the doodles didn't come off at all. Since i couldn't get it off i just went back the same with out getting it off. Everyone was still a bit surprised since i hadn't removed it. Coach Endou stared at me for a while again and was probably going to ask again. "It didn't come off, I'll deal with it later." I said.

"Okay, so i don't know who drew on Tenma's face but that wasn't very nice. The reason I called this meeting was because i wanted to ask Tsurugi about his avatar" He exclaimed. "I did some training with my brother that's all. And also trained with Gouenji-san" He explained.

"But most importantly my brother said that i must have released it because of my emotions. When i first released it was 2 years ago, when me and my family were heading back from the stadium where my brother played in. My sister ran to the streets to grab the ball she dropped. There was a cycle about to collide to her so I ran as fast i could to save her. During that time I released some of its energy which increased my speed a bit. After that when I was practicing with my brother I tried to release it but it never came out. But when i thought of that day again i was able to release it completely." He explained about the his first time releasing the avatar.

"But most importantly releasing may sound easy but controlling it will be hard since it depends on your emotions, it took me an year to control it." He explained again.

"Thank you Tsurugi. Having an avatar seems to be really hard task so we might not have a possibility of having one other than Tsurugi." Coach Endou said.

"Coach Endou do we know who we are fighting against next?" I asked Endou, so we could move on from this topic.

"Oh yeah, the team we will be fighting against will be Mannouzaka Jr.High. From what i heard its a really strong team but also specializes in lot of rough plays"

"Rough plays??" Hayami asked scared.

"Yes, the previous opponents that they had fought all had been injuries by the first half. Here's the footage from their match 2 weeks ago" Haruna said as she showed the footage of their match.

"How did they get away with that? with out getting a foul or a red card?" Asked Kirino.

"They are using one of the players to mark the referee and block his vision. As long as the the referee doesn't see it then they neither get a foul nor get benched." Shuu explained.

"That's a pretty good summary Shuu. Good Observation" Coach Endou praised.

"oh ehe I just thought that they seemed to be marking the referee a bit, it was just a bit weird." Shuu mentioned.

"Since they play a rough plays we need to be really careful against our opponent." Coach Endou declared.

As we heard the school bell ring Coach Endou ended the meeting and told us all to join the classes. We all grabbed our bags and headed off to class.

As a i entered the classroom everyone just stared at me. Which was weird cause why were they staring at me? Its not like there was something on my ... Face... Right.
I still have the doodles on my face.

"Tenma  what happened to your face?" Aoi asked as she saw my face.

"I don't know i took a nap in the meeting room when i arrived early and before i knew it this was all over my face."

"Oh my god, who would do this?" She said as she reached it her bag and grabbed a small sanitizer she had in her bag. She put in on a a napkin and cleaned up my face.

" There all clean. Come one let's sit down class is gonna start soon" She said as she headed to her seat. I seated as well since the teacher entered the classroom. And with that class started.

 And with that class started

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