Chapter 9 [Avater?]

510 23 18

Date: 24th April, Saturday

I returned to my position as the goalkeeper picked the ball.

"Well its a surprise to see you here, A1007" #6 said as he stood next to me.

"You too, W1156 Hope you got goddess of victory smiling on you" I replied.

"I just hope you know that there are more than 1 seed on your team."

"I do and i know them so worry about your punishment instead" I said.

As the #1 passed the ball to the #2. They kept passing and reaching to the front of our goal. But Captain cut in and stole the ball. He passed over to Shuu. He dribbled it past #6 and #7. I called out to Shuu, as i got the attention of the other players to me. As the opponents started approaching me Shuu made a back pass to Kurama.

Kurama passed the ball over head to Tsurugi who was ready in the front. He used his HS, Death Sword and scored a goal.

Raimon 1- 0 Tengawara

We had the lead now. I noticed that #6 was gritting his teeth. 'Something doesn't feel right'. as Tengawara started the match all players marked us. Only leaving #6 alone.

"I'LL SHOW YOU THE TRUE POWER OF A SEED" He said as he dribbled past the midfielders.

"Come out my avatar, Birdman Flaco!"

On his back formed a black shadow in blue and black color as it revealed a huge Falcon with wings and sharp claws.

On his back formed a black shadow in blue and black color as it revealed a huge Falcon with wings and sharp claws

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'When did they start training for this? This is bad'

#6 shot the ball with his HS Falco Wing. Sangoku senpai couldn't react early as the ball got in.

Raimon 1- 1 Tengawara

I was shocked as my team. Seems like this match won't be ending easily.  The whole half went with us chasing #6 and stopping him. But the other members used that to shoot 2 more goals against us. This became a huge disadvantage to us. It was clear that Hakuruyuu wasn't lying. These guys were going easy on us from the start till we scored. The first half ended and we all went to over to the bench.

Everyone was tired keeping up with opponents including me. Coach Endou was looking out on the field as he was coming with an idea. I think. I turned around as someone tapped my shoulder it was Shuu. He whispered in my ear. "Come with me for a second" We both left to the toilet.

As we reached there, we met Hakuruyuu was leaning against the wall.

"Ughh... who are you again?" I said annoyed.

"You know what I'm not even gonna say. But I think you guys can still win cant ya?"

"That's if i come out or Tenma comes out?" Shuu questioned.

"First of all, im not gonna do it" I stated. "Second, Coach Endou is already on to me."

"Shuu?" Hakuryuu asked.

He shook his head. I sighed before heading back to the team. Everyone was in surprise suddenly. "You can use it?" Endou said. He was looking at Tsurugi. "Yes, my brother taught me 2 years ago"

I walked over to Aoi and asked her what was up. She replied. "Tsurugi says he can use an avatar" "What?!" I looked over to Tsurugi who was really serious looking.

Afterwards, Endou changed my position back to midfielder. Now i will be able to play better. When i was forward i was hesitating for a second because of the players at front. Now that wil change.

Once they kicked off, Kurama stole the ball and passed to Shindou who dribbled past the midfielders. Once he was surrounded he shot the ball in the air. I dashed over and jumped as high as i could and made a shot over to the goal. It hit the goal post so the goal keeper snickered but it wasn't long before the ball bounced back into Tsurugi.

He shot another goal with a new HS, Death Drop. Once we got the scored tied everyone was getting pumped up. We kept the ball with us and passed it over to Kurama and Tsurugi who would score. But this Captain shot a goal while the opponent was distracted by Tsurugi.

We were in the lead with 3 goals. The match was near the end when #6 lost his cool and broke into our defense with his avatar. So Tsurugi came back to the defense.

"Get Out OF My Way WIMP" #6 said.

"Get through me if you wanna score a goal first" Tsurugi said.

As #6 shot his HS, Tsurugi released his Avatar and called out.

"Sword Saint Lancelot! "

Tsurugi stopped the shoot easily and smirked at #6. Then he passes the ball into high air. That's where Shuu jumped and passed the ball over to me.

As soon as I got the ball the whistle blew and the match ended. Every one cheered for the victory.

After the matched ended everyone hit the showers before going back to school. After we reached at the school everyone gathered at the meeting room for a speech from Coach.

He said that he was very proud of our hard work and Tsurugi's trick up his sleeve. Everyone wanted to question him but we all were too tired so we went home.

After reaching to Kogarashi Manor, I got a message from an Anonymous number telling to meet up. I sighed and went inside. Aki and Tenkishi greeted me with a huge feast for the victory. I smiled and got excited. I was very hungry so I ate dinner before going off to bed.

I laid down on my bed as my eyelids became heavy. I was really tired but I had to go. Damn it. I yawned for a few seconds before I grabbed my black t-shirt. I changed my clothes to yellow hoodie over a black T-shirt and black jeans. I snuck out of the window at midnight and sneaked out of the manor.

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