Chapter 48 [Surprise]

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Date: 28th June, Monday

Tenma's POV

Usually we would be having practices on the fields but today was kind of unexpected. Coach had inform all of the members to get to the caravan for a small trip. At first we all thought we were going to play against another team. But we were at the beach. 

"Coach why are we at the beach?" Shindou asked.

"For practice." Coach replied bluntly. 

"On the beach??" Kariya questioned.

"Yes." Coach responded.

Apparently the Coach wanted to increase our stamina. So we all were wearing our uniforms in this hot weather while practicing on the beach. Fortunately none of the managers were here, because some of us starting taking out shirts of because of the heat. Why were the girls not here? Unknown. They never came to the club and Aoi was dragged away by Haru in the morning after classes ended. 

We proceeded with the similar training as the last time except we split into 2 teams and have a match. Since Shuu and Hakuryuu wasn't here the teams were split up evenly. 

Team A
FW Tsurugi
FW Kurama
MD Nishiki
MD Hayami
DF Amagi
DF Kurumada
GK Sangoku
Formation: 2-2-2

Team B
FW Tenma
FW Kageyama
MD Hamano
MD Shindou
DF Kariya
DF Kirino
GK Shinsuke
Formation: 2-2-2

Unlike last time we were playing for 30 minutes and taking a 15 minutes break and go back to playing. Would the match be over after 2 rounds? No, we kept on going. Also we all were split up into 6 sections to move around in. Which meant we could not move out of our regions. Forwards had a narrow long path from the middle to the other side of the middle. Midfielders had a wider path but not longer. Defense were stuck exactly where they were. After the first round we all took a breathe and cooled down. Some of us took ice cubes and rubbed them on our bodies. 

I decide to call Aoi though. I was kind of curious why she was taken away. I called her through my phone, and waiting till she picked up. After a couple of rings she picked up. "Hello Aoi." I answered.

"Hey, Tenma! How's practice?" She asked.

"We are on the beach sweating like bullets." I replied to her.

"Seriously? You don't get to swim afterwards?" She asked.

"Yeah Coach said we aren't allowed to get wet since we won't be able to ride the caravan back. Plus we didn't bring extra clothing for change." I explained.

"That sucks." She commented.

"I know, where are you? We don't have any managers here." I asked her curiously.

"Oh Haru dragged us away for something..." She said.

"Something?" I repeated.

"Yeah, It's a bit embarrassing to say it. Plus it's a surprise." She said.

"Hmm, something which is embarrassing but is a surprise? I wonder what that could be?" I smirked

"It's a secret so don't tell anyone else" She told me.

"Alright I won't tell anyone what it is." I promised her.

"Thanks Tenma" She said.

"As long as you tell me what it is." I responded.

"What?!" She said.

"Come on we're friends. You can tell me. I promise not to laugh." I said.

"Yeah, that puts me at ease." She said in a sarcastic tone.

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