Chapter 5 [Eito Gakuen]

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Date: 17 April, Saturday

First half of the match ended with raimon in the lead with 2 goals, whereas Eito scored 1 goal. Coach didn't put me in the first half, but Tsurugi. The crowd went pretty wild knowing it was the younger brother of Tsurugi Yuuichi. He managed to keep up the expectation but even go above them. He scored 2 goals for the team.

Coach said that he will put me in the second half, since he wanted to debut me soon as possible. So i was warming up during half time. Me and Tsurugi were the only ones from first year, who got to play in the match today. I gotta say i was thinking i would debut a little later, considering the pathetic act i was doing.

Half time was over, and i rushed to my position.

"Second Half Starts With Eito Gakuen's Kick Off"

The forwards were dribbling and passing to avoid us to go to the defense line but i stepped in front to take the ball. But they got past me as well. So i sprinted towards them to try again but i lost the ball as 10# passed it over to 11# who was ready to shoot. Luckily, Kirino-senpai stopped him his HT (Hissastu Technique), The Mist.

He passed the ball over to Captain who passed it over to Kurama-senpai. He proceed to to approach the defense from the left. That's when i saw Tsurugi going from the right side, but 3 players were already on him.

So i ran over to the center which was open and called out to Kurama-senpai. He noticed me and shot the ball into the air. I jumped up to reach but #5 jumped high then me and also nudged me so i would loose my balance. And I did. I fell on the ground on my back.

But i got up and sat on one knee. I looked over to #5 who smirked and dribbled past me.

"A former member shouldn't be on the enemies team. But some one weak like you is worth it to be on this team."

That made my blood boil a little but...

'A dog with it's tail between their legs shouldn't be barking'

#5 passed the ball over to #9 but...


"What?"#5 said in surprise.

Now it was time for me to smirk. I sprinted across to Kurama-senpai. That caught the attention of the players after Tsurugi and started approaching towards me. But as soon as he was clear, i passed the ball over to him. He received the ball and proceeded to shoot without the HT because we were already winning.

Eito Gakuen looked down on me but i let them do that.


Cause I'm New on the Team. I'm supposed to make them look down on me.

The match continued with Eito keeping a close eye on me and Tsurugi but, to their misfortune Captain scored the ending goal, which got past the defense. We won the match. Phew...

"You! What do you think you're doing?" 10#-no wait, Saewatari asked.

"Me? I'm just playing the soccer I love" I told him with a grin on my face.

"But, you used to--" I approached to his ear and whispered.

"If you say anything more, i will make sure you won't be able to play soccer ever again."

I gave him a tap on the shoulder and gave a smile and said "Lets play soccer again one day" And sprinted off to the bench. I looked over to him one more time with a evil smirk before i reached the team.

Coach approached me and asked what the captain of the other team had to do with me? I told him that he really liked my sudden movements and asked who i was training with and i whispered in his ear saying it was me. That's the reason he looked surprised. Endou believed what i said and told the team this match was great.

"Now we need to get ready for preliminary matches. Got it everyone?"

"Haii" everyone replied.

At home

After i took a shower i was drying my hair with a towel until i got a phone call. i checked the caller id which was unknown. I picked it up and answered.

"Yes. Yeah it's me. Today... Ah yeah. The 10# Eito, past year knowledge. I think he was working under... Yeah there... are you gonna be doing something?No, Okay. I don't want people to suspect anything. Oh hey we won the match with 3 goals. Tsurugi 2, and Captain Shindou 1. Yeah... Uh yeah. Hey any news about the first district preliminary match? No? Okay. Good night"

As i hung up the phone Aki-nee knocked and told that dinner was ready.

"Hai, im coming down in a sec." I replied as i grabbed my T-shirt and put it on before walking out the door. i sat at the dinner table with Tenkishi. I asked him how his school was.

"Oh, i pushed a kid off the monkey bar"

PFFT, i coughed on my food a little. Aki-nee was in the kitchen so she couldn't hear us.

"What do you mean?"

"I pushed her because she was in my way"

PFFT, I coughed again on my water.

"IT WAS A GIRL?" I whisper shouted.





"Nice but what about detention?"

"Got it"

"Okay did Aki-nee get a call or anything?"


"You shouldn't be pushing girls on a monkey bar... Unless they are on there with a skirt, i suggest  headlock and jump down."




"You're worse then me"

"Hey, i never pushed a girl when i was in third grade"

"For your information the girl was in first grade"




"Not impressed"

After dinner, i went straight to bed. I wasn't that tired but i wanted rest for the day till tomorrow after noon. My vision slowly blurred away as i closed my eyes.

 My vision slowly blurred away as i closed my eyes

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