Chapter 26 [The Past]

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Date: 23rd May, Sunday

Tenma's POV

After the match yesterday, Aoi asked me to take her to the newly opened café to make it up to her. Since I had been keeping her in the dark about my secret I felt bad. I picked her up in the afternoon from her house and walked all the way to the café. After arriving she immediately ordered the special of the today. It took around a couple of minutes before the order arrived.

"Here's your order of the Deluxe Triple Combo Ice-cream" The waiter said as he arrived with the order. It was presented in a medium size bowl with triple flavors decorated with sprinkles, wafer sticks, strawberries, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. 'Damn, it looks so delicious. Too bad it's only for Aoi' I thought since this was my treat to her.

"Omg, It's so beautiful. I have to take a picture to remember this." Aoi said as she took her phone out of her small white handbag to snap a picture. I smiled as I saw her with a happy face. Plus it's been a while since we hung out together on the weekends. Ever since school started we haven't spoken to each other much, unless it's in class or at the club. As she put her phone away, she thanked for the meal before taking a bite.

"Mmmm! So good!" She said after taking one bite. She looked over to me and I just caught looking at her so I just rolled my eyes to the window.

"Do you wanna try it?" She asked. I looked over to her offering me a spoon. I just gave her a smile and took it. She kept her gaze on me until I took a bite. 'Oh my god, it was so good.' The ice cream was amazing.

"This is pretty good" I complimented.

"I know right?" She agreed

We held a few conservations about the ice cream for a while.

"When did you join fifth sector?" She asked seriously. I put the spoon down slowly and lowered gaze. After taking a breathe I looked up to her and answered. "It was 4 years ago"

4 Years ago

"Bye Aki-nee, I will be back by 5'o clock." I said as I ran out the door carrying my ball. I left Sasuke since he was already sleeping. I headed to the riverbank as it was my favorite spot to practice. I had always dreamed of joining a soccer club, but I sorta wasn't able to pass the test. Somehow I was the only one that always ends up failing. I've been playing soccer since I saw the Inazuma Japan team at the hospital that day. It was one of the things that has pulled me through being sad.

As I reached the riverbank, I saw a team of players playing on the field. I got excited and went down there to watch. As I was watching, a tall man approached me. He had dark skin and pink long hair. He was wearing a white suit as well. He gave me a smile and asked.

"Do you like soccer?"

I was taught not to talk to strangers but since he mentioned soccer I couldn't just not talk. "I LOVE IT"

"Are you in a team in your school?" he asked.

"uh.. No..." I said frowning.

"I see, then how would you like to join my team of players?" He asked me as he spread his arm and showed the players on the field. I was honestly quite amazed. "Can I really join?" I asked jumping with excitement.

"Of course, it's open for anyone who likes soccer." He said. "So what is your name?"

"My name? It's Matsukaze Tenma! I'm a third grader."

"I see. My name is Senguuji Daigo. I have a son one year older than you. Wanna meet him?"

"Sure" I agreed to meet him.

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