Chapter 56 [The day it all began]

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An Year Ago...

Upon hearing about the soccer organization getting controlled Matsukaze Tenma had gone home to cool himself down. Declining the offer from his relative to join for dinner he rushed into his room and locked the door. He threw his bag on to his bed in anger and frustration. He clenched his fist before he punched the wall. He felt the pain but he was more angry and forgot about the pain. He slid down against the wall and crouched down. 

He sat on the floor, hugging his knees as he cried softly not letting his voice out. All the hard work he had put in to becoming a soccer player was crushed by the control of Senguuji Daigo. He had been a naïve child and go fooled by the devil himself.

After sometime, Tenma walked into his bathroom and took a shower letting the cold water cool his head down. He walked out of the shower drying his hair off, before wearing his pajamas. He grabbed the bag on his bed and kept it on the ground before he laid on the bed.

Unable to fall asleep Tenma, opened his phone and went online. He heard it was quite common to let out your frustration on the internet. He opened an anonymous account on a website and posted about what had occurred. He made sure to adjust the story in a way it was not noticeable that it was an elementary student who wrote it.

Although he thought people will respond quickly, he was not recognized at all. Neither views nor comments were shown. Sighing the brunette finally let himself fall asleep.


He heard his alarm ring  and slowly opened his eyes. He turned off the annoying alarm and sat up. He yawned for a moment and stretched his arms. He took his phone to look at his schedule for today. He noticed that he had a bunch of notification from the website he had posted on.

He opened the website to see an anonymous person respond back to him. the message stated.

"Damn Boy, It seems like some people have been struggling in the dark. As someone who loves soccer I'd hate to see it fall under the control of the organization. If all events become fake like this, I'd rather not interact with this world. This may seem weird but do you want to take revenge upon these people and show them who's boss? As a hardcore soccer fan, I'd love to join your revenge." - SpringPrincess

'Revenge?' Tenma thought as he read over the comment. An idea struck upon his head, what if he used a soccer team to destroy the team Senguuji was creating. He had overheard some conversations from other players regarding that there was going to be an elite team. There was already two teams created Unlimited Shining and Ancient Darkness on God Eden. But he made plans to make a team here in the city.

Tenma replied directly sent a message to SpringPrincess. He knows he's not supposed to believe people on the internet but he wanted revenge on the man.

"Do you happened to be a hacker? I could help you slide into the database of the place." He sent.

As his stomach rumbled he made his way to the bathroom to freshen up, since it was a Sunday he had no other plans made so he went to the dining room to meet up with Aki apologize about his behavior last night. After being forgiven he happily ate his breakfast and went to his room.

He changed into his sportswear and running shoes to go for a walk to take Sasuke out. As he grabbed the phone he received a message back.

"Are you a cop?"

Tenma was a bit confused but replied back saying he was just a student. He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed the soccer ball along with the leash. He walked out of the room informing Aki about him leaving tot take Sasuke for a walk. 

As he went out of the manor he tied the leash on to Sasuke who had finished his meal. After attaching the leash to the collar, Sasuke compiled and followed Tenma. Upon another notification sound, the brunette opened his phone again.

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