Chapter 12 [Unexpected Duo]

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You can check the update dates on Matsukaze Tenma POV by the way if you are curious about when will the next chapter comes out. Back to the chapter.

1st May, Saturday

Tenma's POV

"Raimon Jr High really isn't giving Manmouzaka a chance. They have scored 2 goals already. Will Mannouzaka be able to turn the game around?" The commenter announced before Mannouzaka's kick off.

The moment the whistle blew #11 passed the ball over to #10 as they finally cracked. #10 released their avatar and took away everyone's attention towards himself. Everyone froze in their place, shocked to see what they were seeing.

#10 spoke as he shot the ball towards the goal using his HS, Magician's Box. "I'll show why you should fear us,SEEDs."

No one was able to react to the ball going towards the goal except me, Shuu and Kariya.  I tried to shoot it back but it broke off and went on. Then Shuu tried to stop it but he couldn't either. Finally Kariya used his HT, Hunter's Net to stop the shot.

"What?!" #10 exclaimed as his HS was stopped. Not to mention mortified after saying that line. Since me and Shuu were strong enough to lower the amount of the power absorbed in the ball so Kariya was able to stop it.

After being gaining his senses back Shindou called out to the team to move forward using HT God's Baton. Kariya passed the ball over to Hamano who passed it Shindou who passed it over to Kurama. When the defenders went over to Kurama, Tsurugi got  a chance to sneak past them to an open spot. Shindou showed Kurama a path to pass to Tsurugi.

After Tsurugi got the ball he used his HS Death Drop to shoot his chance. This time the goalkeeper reacted fast and released his avatar to stop the shoot. As well as again, everyone froze in shock to see another avatar appear. After blocking the shot #1 passed the ball over to #5 who was getting approached by Shindou. Unlucky for Shindou they used another on of their dirty plays and shot the ball to his face.

The referee didn't see it since one of the opponents blocked his vision. And again they all started to mark all of us one bye one. They were planning on injuring us. As #11 got the ball he called out to #10 to move up. As he moved up #11 passed the ball over to #10, as he released his avatar and got ready with his HS, Magician's Box again. This time the defenders were able to react on time and use all of their HTs to defend the goal. As it reached over to Sangoku-senpai the ball had lost all it's power and was able to be stopped.

What a twisted turn of events. This really blew Mannouzaka cause they never thought that an avatar shot be stopped by regular HT. As we moved on with the game without breaking a sweat, we ended the first half with a score of 2-0 with us in the lead.

Although we just finished the first half, almost all the players were tired from the rough plays they did.

"Here you go Tenma" Aoi said as she threw a water bottle at me. I thanked her after catching it. When I was drinking some water I saw Shuu and suddenly remember something.

I walked over and crouched down and whispered in his ear. "Hey, I got question"

"Yeah?" Shuu replied a bit out of breathe. He chugged down some water as I asked.

"Aren't you on fifth sector's side?"

With the realization kicking in, Shuu spit his water out in surprise. Guess he didn't realize after thinking he gained his freedom to play soccer. After coughing a couple of time he looked at me as he was gonna cry. I let him let out a short cry on my shoulder. He hugged me for a moment to shed some tears. When I saw everyone was staring I just blurted out " He said he was really hurt in his ankle"

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