Chapter 24 [Tenma's Secret]

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Date: 22nd May, Saturday

Tenma's POV

"Tenma" I turned my head to meet eyes with Coach. "When did you learn how to use and avatar?"

I gazed down to the grass and inhaled and exhaled before speaking. I lifted my head up and answered. "I learnt it when I was training with Fifth sector"

"What do you mean by that Tenma?" Coach asked.

I lowered my gaze and thought it was time I told them the truth. "I used to train under fifth sector" I said.

"Used to?" Shindou asked.

"I stopped working for them after finding out that they were going to control soccer by taking over the organization." I explained as I met his eyes.

"But when Megane hacked into the their system, your information wasn't found. Except someone else's" Coach Said.

"That's probably because I deleted my self from the system before leaving." I explained.

"I see" Coach said. I gazed down frowning. I was honestly ready for the Coach to kick me off the team honestly. "Since you ran away from fifth sector then you must love soccer right?" He said. I looked up at him shock. "Eh?"

"You couldn't stand by and do nothing when something you love would fall into the darkness. That shows me that you love soccer as much as everyone here does." He said as he put his hands on my shoulders. 

"The reason you scored that goal was because you didn't want to lose. Especially to those guys." He added as he let go of my shoulders and put his hands on his hips. He wasn't wrong though. 

"That's right" Tsumugi spoke. "So what if you were a Seed. That doesn't change the fact that you hate losing and love soccer does it now?" 

"Tenma, I'd like to say that I'm actually jealous of you" Shuu spoke as he put a hand on my shoulder. "Shuu?" I said.

"Me too. No one had courage like you to escape from Fifth Sector. Or even defy them. I honestly can't stand by and watch soccer fall into the darkness either." Hakuryuu  said as he walked next to me.

"wait YOU Two are Seeds too?" Hayami spoke in shock.

"Um actually we both are THE SEEDs that were sent by fifth sector" Shuu explained.

"Wait there was two of you? Why did you say there was one?" Coach asked Tsumugi.

"Well when I hacked in to their system it said they were sending some guy name Kai, so that's why I sent the mail." Tsumugi said. Kai was one of the member's who was training with us.

"What happened to Kai?" I asked Shuu.

"He caught Chickenpox and was admitted to the hospital. So fifth sector sent the both of us." Shuu explained.

"I see" I said. 

"You know what Seed or not it doesn't matter. We are gonna win this game no matter what!" Coach said as he grinned.

"yeah" Everyone agreed along. Looks like I won't be kicked out of the team at all. I was simply having some anxiety thinking about the negative things.

"With that being said, Tenma what do you think would be the best option here?" Coach asked me.

"The best option?" I repeated. I looked over to the opponents, the seeds who were having the upper hand in the match. They don't have the slightest doubt that they might lose. I wanna crush them so badly, I can't let soccer fall into the hands of them.

"Coach" I looked at Coach Endou. "Yes, Tenma?" He asked with smile. "I want you to put Shuu for the second half. I got a plan." Coach Endou nodded and Shuu jumped in joy and threw his arms on my shoulders. Shindou asked about what my plan is and did a brief explanation for everyone. I told all of them to trust me. Some of them were a bit hesitant but all of them did say they'd believe me. Since I never lied through my plays.

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