Chapter 25 [Escaping from Fifth Sector]

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Date: 23rd May, Sunday

Shuu's POV

Hakuryuu and I decided to head to fifth sector and inform them that we will no longer follow them. We arrived at the building where fifth sectors organization was. It was quite the small appearance at first as a small cram school But once you enter the building's elevator and press the buttons in an order it will take us directly down to the underground facility.

We walked past the rooms where training was taking place for the seeds. Some of them were still in training. The walls were painted in a dark blue and the pillars were a dark gray. The lights were quite dim but bright enough to see though.

As we arrived at huge door with two guards, we stated our ID's so that they'd let us through. As we walked on the red carpet which led to the man who sat on his throne. We paused at the bottom of the steps, kneeled down to greet the man. His name is Senguuji Daigo, the man who created fifth sector.

"Hakuryuu and Shuu, I hope you are ready for your punishments. Considering the fact that not only did you betray fifth sector but dare to fight against us." He spoke.

"Actually sir, I've made a decision. No, both of us have made a decision. We don't want to get involved with Fifth Sector any more." I said.

Senguuji started to laugh all of a sudden. A maniacal laughter echoed through the room as we stood up.


"Yes Sir" His son appeared from the shadows on the right.

"Show them what happens to the people who betray us" He declared.

"Of course" He smirked as he released his avatar. Hakuryuu grabbed my hand and ran to the door. But the guards blocked the door. Since it was one person I tried to release my avatar but one of the guards shot some sort of tranquillizer which weakened me.

"Shuu!" Hakuryuu called out to me and held me as I almost fell to the floor. He was also going to release his avatar as well, but he was also shot. As Yamato grabbed the ball, he kicked it towards the both of us. Hakuryuu covered me as I closed my eyes waiting the impact.

I did not hear the sound of the impact on Hakuryuu's back. I heard the ball bounced back on the floor as if someone had blocked it. I opened my eyes slowly to see a figure standing in front of me. Hakuryuu also let go of me to see what happened. The guy that was standing in front of us was wearing a black shirt with black pants. He blocked the shot from Yamato, an avatar shot.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" Yamato asked.

"Gemini" A guy with short spiky brown hair answered.

"And Aries" A bit taller guy with white spiky hair answered. 

Both of them seemed to be wearing a white mask concealing their identities.

"When did you impersonate as our guards?" I looked around to notice that there were clothes on the floor of the place where the guards stood. They were the guards? I thought. Without answering to the question they both picked us and carried us out the door.

"AFTER THEM" Senguuji shouted as we left.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" Hakuryuu asked but no answer was given. As the guards surrounded the area to the elevator. They dropped us to the floor and gave their back for us to get on. We were both a hesitant for a second but got on. Gemini hopped for a second before dashing towards the door. I felt an energy form around us as we headed towards the door. A light started shining and I closed my eyes for a second. The moment I opened my eyes we were already in the elevator and so was Aries, but the guards were all on the ground. The elevators door closed and we went up.

"Are you both feeling nauseous or anything?" Gemini asked.

"Not really but I do feel like my energy has drained a bit" Hakuryuu answered to him.

"It was probably a drug to lower the energy, so they won't be able to use their avatar. Leo said they will be fine after a day of rest." Aries answered.

"Umm, May I ask who you are?" I asked.

"Zodiac" Gemini replied. "Zodiac? Which school is that?" I asked as i had not heard of a school by that name.

They both laughed all of a sudden.

"Did you hear that he asked which school. Oh my god that's hilarious." Gemini said. They let us down as we reached to the ground floor.

"You might wanna get outta here before those guys come" He reminded us. Hakuryuu and I ran away from the building alongside the both of them. They both split to separate roads and disappeared. Both of us just ran away as far as we could. We entered a café to hide and catch our breathes. Taking a window seat we both sat down opposites to each other.

"Who were those guys?" Hakuryuu asked. "I don't even know" I replied.

"Why were they there anyway? And why did they help us?" Questions popped in our heads as we were confused. A silence passed with both of us just catching our breathe. A waitress approached us and asked what we'd like to have. I ordered for a strawberry milkshake while Hakuryuu ordered  a vanilla milkshake. As we were waiting a couple walked in and took the window seat behind Hakuryuu, which was closer to the door. I look up to the couple to realized it was Haru and Tsurugi. I looked over to Hakuryuu who was scrolling on his phone. I tapped the table with my finger and got his attention.

"Its Tsurugi and Haru" I whispered to him.

"What?" He said before taking a peek and getting low in to his seat.

"Oh my god" He gasped.

"Do you think they are-" I was cut off as someone spoke.

"Here's your order of the Deluxe Triple Combo Ice-cream" A waiter spoke to the table behind me.

"Thank you" A simple thank you was heard from a familiar voiced. I peeked behind to spot a chestnut brown hair. 


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