Chapter 18 [Shindou's Avatar]

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Date: 13th May, Thursday

Shindou's POV

Kirino and I were heading home from practice all worn out. We were having small conversations about the Teikoku. As we were walking a ball came launching at us at high speed. I was able to react to it and return the ball by a shot.

"Who's there?" I asked as the ball landed near at the foot of a masked person. He was wearing a black and white jersey. There was another player next to him as well look a bit rather relaxed. They both were wearing white mask with holes infront of there eyes but nothing but black color appeared in that area. They both had a symbol on the fore head of the mask. Some familiar looking symbols.

"Shindou Takuto" The guy who seemed to have long black hair in a ponytail spoke. "My name is Leo and I'm going to crush Raimon"

"What do you mean you're going to crush Raimon?" I asked him.

"We are from fifth sector. And we are going to eliminate Raimon members one by one. It seemed that you guys didn't get the memo?" He answered.

"What are you talking about?" Kirino asked him a bit angry as well.

"Fifth sector controls the games from now and you were given a simple card of the score that must be kept. But you just kept breaking that rule we were given am order to eliminate the team members one by one" The guy next to Leo answered. He had short dirty blonde hair. 

"Starting with you." Leo said as he shot a ball towards us again. I stopped the shot though. It was quite strong, I would had almost be not able to get up if it shot my body.

"Since it is quite rude to crush you all immediately let me have some fun. Lets do a 2 vs 2." Leo spoke in arrogance. He pissed me off a bit now.

They had taken us to the riverbed and started a match of duo vs duo. We had a time limit of 30 minutes. Whoever can score the most goals won. Even though me and Kirino were confident we were gonna win but these two were a lot stronger than we thought. They had gotten past us and scored 3 goals already.

"You know what this is getting a bit boring you know, lets change it a bit" Leo said as he shot a HS, Lion's Roar against Kirino. He couldn't react in time and got hit by the ball and went flying.

"You bastard" I said as I started running towards him but since the ball bounced back from Krinio to him, he shot the ball at me. I got hit in the chest and let out a groan. That's when they started to play unfair and started to beat us using the soccer ball. Krinio was unable to move because of the amount of shots he's taken.

"Look at that your friend is there crumbling like a piece of paper and you cant even do anything about it" Leo spoke as he looked down on me.

"You!" I mumbled.

"Do you really think you can stop us? So pathetic I have seen those first years do better than you All you can do is just stand there trembling in sight of the avatar that appears before you!" Leo reminded of us from the previous game we played. He was making my blood boil.

"As a captain do you really think you can protect your team when you can't even protect your best friend" He said as he jumped in the air and shot a another HS against Kirino. That was a last straw I couldn't just lay down while my best friend getting hurt. I stood up with all the energy I had left, somehow I felt something in me making me feel lighter. 

"If you think you can block my shot then GO AHAEAD AND DO IT. SHOW ME YOUR TRUE POWER SHINDOU TAKUTO" He yelled out as he shot his HS, Lion's Roar  towards me. I felt power surging through my body and jumped to stop the shoot. It felt a lot different than before it was less power less than before. I blocked the shoot and shot it across the field into the goal.  I landed on the ground as I panted. The energy I had in the moment then disappeared. 

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