Chapter 50[The Semi Finals]

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Date: 3rd July, Saturday

Tenma's POV

The day had finally come. The semi-finals. If we win this match we will be in the finals. We were in the locker room getting dressed for the match. Afterwards Coach informed the line up for the match.

FW Kurama
FW Tsurugi
MD Tenma
MD Shindou
MD Nishiki
MD Hamano
DF Kurumada
DF Amagi
DF Kirino
DF Kariya
GK Sangoku

"Nishizono will be put in the second half of the match." Coach stated as his put his tablet away.

"Hai" Shinsuke nodded.

"I will make sure not to let them score alright, Shinsuke?" Sangoku said to Shinsuke.

"I will also make sure not to let them score as well." Shinsuke promied to Sangoku.

It was time to line up so we all went out of the lockers. As we lined up at the entrance, Outei came and joined us. Taiyou was there as the captain leading them.

"It's great to see you again Tenma" He greeted me.

"Looks like you have healed completely." I told him.

"Of course, just so you know." He paused for a minute and glared at me. "I won't go easy on you."

I smirked and glared as I said "I wasn't going to either."

"Welcome everyone to the semi finals of football frontier. With Raimon Junior high versus Outei Tsukinomiya. Who will and fight in the finals?" The commentator announced excitedly.

We walked on to field to warm up for the match. I look over tot he opponents bench to see Noskaka Yuuma. This was not going to an easy team to win against. After warming up , we all got in our positions ready for the kick off.

"Looks like the game is about to start with Raimon's kick off. What kind of play will we see from these two teams? And which will be able to compete in the finals?" The commentator screamed.

As the whistle blew the match started quite competitively. We were going both offense and defense. It was continuing in a rhythm of attack and defend for some time. We were unable to break past the goalkeeper and they weren't able to break through ours. It was quite intense because most of us was starting to lose our stamina.

But even so no one was able to take the first point. After the ball got out of the field from Hamano, there was a thrown in from Outei. At that moment I saw Taiyou signal to his teammates in some patterns. Since I was quite far I couldn't make out what he was trying to do. 

#6 threw the ball towards #7 who passed it over to Taiyou. As Taiyou got the ball, I ran over to him but he suddenly reached his arm outwards. The other teammates ran towards us leaving a thick gust of red smoke.

'Was this a Hissastu tactics?'  I thought. I widen my eyes realizing in that moment what this Hissastu tactics could be. 'GRID OMEGA'

Nine years ago when Outei Tskinomiya first played in the football frontier. Nosaka Yuuma used this hissatsu tactics to win the game by making all the players immobilized.

They are planning making all of us immobilized. I looked around to being able to see anyone and feeling a gust of wind. If I remember correctly the wind send us all in the air and we land on our bodies causing us all pain. To stop it,  I headed towards the middle of the smoke feeling the wind.

I grabbed a few pieces of my hair and pulled them out. I then let it go to see which way was the tornado going to spin. As the hair flew to the right, I went in straight ahead to the middle before it could grow bigger.

I used my HD, Spiral Draw but in clockwise direction. 'I couldn't let them hurt my teammates.'I thought.

Taiyou's POV

I proceeded with Grid Omega V2 as Coach advised. Unlike the one it was used 9 years ago this one was less brutal but the goal was still the same. Immobilize the opponents. I wouldn't like this strategy much but it is the semi finals so we have to do what we can.

As the tornado started to spin fast my teammates fallback not to get caught in the tactics. After a while the tornado suddenly vanished and a huge gale of gust blew the smoke away. I closed my eyes but when I opened my eyes all of Raimon's players were on the ground like they had tumbled and in the center was Tenma. He was standing as if nothing happened to him.

All of us were confused to how Grid Omega failed. 

"What's going one we followed exactly as we practiced. Why did it fail?" Umitomo asked me.

"I don't know, but I think It was Tenma. He's the only one standing on his feet." I replied to him.

Looks like this was not going to be an easy match.

Tenma's POV

I looked around to see everyone was around me on the ground as they had fallen for a moment. I saw that the ball was out of the field. I went over to Shindou and helped him up. Others gathered around us, all baffled by what had occured.

"What just happened?" Shindou asked.

"I'm pretty sure there was a smoke and a gust of wind which was pulling me towards some where." Nishiki described.

"I think it was grid omega." I told them.

"Omega what?" Hamano questioned.

"Grid Omega was a hissastu tactics used 9 years ago by Outei when Nosaka Yuuma was the captain. They did a similar tactics to that just now." I explained to the everyone.

"Why aren't we badly injured then? I thought it was supposed to leave us all injured." Kariya asked.

"That's cause I stopped it from the inside. I used Spiral Draw to cancel out the tornado." I explain my counter tactic to them.

"Thank you Tenma." Kirino held my shoulder and said.

"Everyone be careful. Looks like Outei won't be going easy on us at all." Shindou annouced.

Everyone nodded and proceeded to head back to their positions. The game continued with a throw in from us. Hamano threw the ball towards Nishiki. Nishiki sent the ball towards Shindou who used God's Baton. I followed a path he guided for the ball and received the ball. As #9 and #8 approached to block me I used a new HD, Aggressive beat and went past the both of them. I saw Tsurugi go cornered by 2 and 5 unable to move. Kurama was also block by 2 other players. 

#3 approached towards me to steal the ball but I used a Soyokaze step to go past him to the defense line. I used a HS, Kaze No Hoko. But it was was immeditely stopped by the goalkeeper's Hissastu Catch. The goalkeeper proceeded to pass the ball over to the defenders who immediately brought the ball up to Taiyou. I noticed a smirk from he glanced back.

I realized he was about to use Grid Omega again. I tried to run back before he could do it but #3 and #5 cornered me to stop me from going to the middle. Taiyou proceeded with the tactics and a red smoke covered the field. I had to stop them. 

"Sorry but we can't let you through. Knowing your the only one who can stop it." The player spoke to me with a grin.

As my blood started to boil, I released my avatar and and pushed them away. I ran towards the middle as the smoke had completely turned into a whirl wind. It wasn't going to be easy to go inside. But if I didn't this would be the end for us. Damn it. 'Sorry but I think I will break my promises.' I thought as I pushed my self inside and immediately got carried away by the wind. I tried hold the ground with my feet but it was getting stronger.

'Damn it.'

"Majin Pegasus Arc!" I called out my avatar which evolved. "Armed!" I yelled and the avatar split and armed over my body. As I was able to hold my ground, I dashed towards the middle. I was going to use spiral draw but the wind was too strong and it started to raise into a tornado. I need to figure out something before it was too late. The screaming of my teammates were heard. At any moment the tornado will stop. 'Come one Tenma. What do I do? What should I do-...' 

I hit a realization of one tactic which should work. I gritted my teeth as I called it out.

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