Chapter 36 [Zodiac Attacks]

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Date: 7th June, Monday

Tenma's POV

Today's practice was inside the stadium. Since Coach Endou had taken a temporary leave, Trainer Ichihoshi became our coach. Unlike Coach Endou's training practice, Coach Ichihoshi gave us all individual training menus to practice. I guess some of our individual skills are still lacking.

"I have prepared you all a 3 day training menu. After 3 days we will have a practice match against the second team." Coach Ichihoshi announced to us.

"I can't wait to play against Shinsuke." I said excitedly. I haven't played against him yet so it would be pretty exciting.

"He's a defender, right?" Shuu asked.

"Well I guess that would mean he and I should be rivals" Kariya joined in the conversation.

"Shinsuke was a defender back in elementary." I added.

"Are you guys ignoring me?" Kariya asked.

"Relax I'm sure you're better than him" I said sarcastically.

"Hmph Of course I am." Kariya said as he crossed his arms with confidence.

"He's only saying that to boost your ego" Kirino told him.

We all laughed at Kirino's comment as it was kind of true. I only said that make him feel like he's superior. I remember during the practice match against the first team, Shinsuke was pretty good at defense but because of his height it was quite a disadvantage to get past the opponents. If he was taller he probably would had been an amazing defender.

We all started on our training menu's individually. Some of of them went out of the building while the rest of us stayed inside. It wasn't even an hour until Hamano and Hayami came back to the stadium running out of breathe screaming for help.

"What's wrong?" Coach asked them.

"The four of us were trying to improve our sense of surrounding by running around playing Tag but there was a huge typhoon in the middle of the soccer pitch." Hamano said really fast.

"A typhoon?" Shindou said after he rushed over to them.

"So we went to take a look and the second team was down." Hayami said scaredly.

"Kirino and Kariya went to stop them and told us to get you guys. Apparently it was the masked guys from before?" Hamano explained.

"ZODIAC??" Shindou said in shock.

Everyone rushed to the field immediately. As we arrived to the field we were horrified. All the members on the team was down excluding Shinsuke who was standing in front of the goal. Right beside of him Kirino was there down on top of Kariya. There was 11 players surrounding the goal in a semi circle. We went on to the field but suddenly one of the Zodiac members screamed at Shinsuke.

"JUST BRING OUT THAT DAMN THING ALREADY" He screamed as he shot a HS at Shinsuke.

"SHINSUKE!" I screamed. Shinsuke stood his ground with anger and shouted. "I won't let you, SCORE!!!" as he screamed. I could notice a shadow appear from his back. 'An Avatar??' I thought

Before the ball reached Shinsuke who was about to use his head to stop the ball, a guy appeared out of nowhere and launched the ball right back to the striker. Before the ball could hit the striker's face, the guy who was in the middle stop the shot with his foot. As the ball drop to the ground he kept his foot on top of it.

"Who are you?" The masked guy asked the student who arrived on the field.

"Nishiki Ryouma, What are you doing attacking my Team on the sacred grounds of Raimon?" The student introduced himself and declared that he was a part of the team.

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