Chapter 46 [Duo's Discovery]

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Date: 23rd June, Tuesday

Shuu's POV

"What? You both aren't coming?" Haru asked me and Hakuryuu. "Yeah my sister had caught a cold and I have to go attend her."

"And I am having a cold" Hakuryuu said wearing his mask and coughing.

"Well, get well soon to the both of them I guess. Bye now" Haru waved us goodbye at school.

Hakuryuu and I walked back to my house. "I can't believe she fell for it." Hakuryuu said.

"Well, don't let your guard down." We reached to my house and I got in. I greeted my sister as she watched her favorite cartoons. I went to my room along with Hakuryuu.

"When will she grow out it?" Hakuryuu snarked.

"What?" I muttered.

"The cartoons" He replied.

"It's fine" I laughed.

I locked my room and closed the curtains as a I turned on the light. Hakuryuu sat on the bed and I sat by the table and listened to what he had to say.

"I may was hit by the tranquilizer that day but I remember their voices vividly. Including their laugh." Hakuryuu remembered. 

"And who does it match?" I asked him.

"The basketball player, Ibuki and the Athlete, Matatagi." I paused at the names.

Hakuryuu continued as he walked over to my desk. "Matatagi and Ibuki. I am certain that they are the ones, who recused us from fifth sector. I recognize their voice and Matatagi who was carrying me. He was able to dash past the security to the elevator in a flash." He opened one of the notebooks and wrote down the names.

"That day I saw something shine as well. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I was also in the elevator with Aries."

"I think that was Ibuki, he had silver hair." Hakuryuu described Aries. "Also yesterday I tried to see if I covered their face that their back would give off the the resemblance. And it did." My eyes widened in surprise.

I noted down the names of that group. "So you think all 8 of them are part of the Zodiacs." I asked him.

"I think so, but I don't know which ones they are." He scratched his head. I remembered the meeting where the Coach showed pictures which was taken by Haru on the day of the disaster. I quickly noted the zodiac names according to the matching photo as vividly as I could.

Hakuryuu watched closely as I continued. I had gotten all eight of them in the corresponding matches with four remaining with no names. "Who is the other four though?" Hakuryuu whispered.

"Well I have a few guesses." I answered to him. He looked at me and tilted his head.

"Well, for one Haru. She's the one who's friends with them. Plus Yuuki said, she was never able to join them for outside activities." Hakuryuu widen his eyes in suprise.

"WHAT?!" He screamed loudly. "Haru is betraying us?"

"Yeah, it's likely. I mean considering the fact that she knew about Kai going to be coming to Raimon instead of us to spy on the team."

Flash Back

"Um actually we both are THE SEEDs that were sent by fifth sector" I explained.

"Wait there was two of you? Why did you say there was one?" Coach asked Haru.

"Well when I hacked in to their system it said they were sending some guy name Kai, so that's why I sent the mail." Tsumugi said.

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