Chapter 57 [Unexpected Replacement]

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Just before the first half ended, Tsurugi tied the score of Raimon with Seidouzan. The whistle blew for the first half to end and all of the players exited the field back to their locker rooms. Aoi was said bye by the brunette as he fled to the back. Aoi joined with the other managers in the cheer squad and talked to them.

"Where did Tenma go?" Midori asked Aoi

"I think he went to meet to meet the team." Aoi replied to her.

"Should we go join them?" Akane questioned but was immediately interrupted by someone else.

"You know you can't. Tsumugi already left us and we don't want anyone else leaving." The cheer squad captain told the three of the managers.

Raimon players on the other hand was surprised to meet the brunette enter the locker room.

"TENMA!" Shinsuke called and jumped in for a hug to Tenma.

"Looks like you made it." Kariya said as he patted Tenma's Back.

"Yeah, so how's Seidouzan?" He asked.

"Apart from a tough opponent I think we are doing quite well." Coach Ichihoshi said.

"I see, you think I can join for the second half?" He said to the coach. Coach chuckled before speaking "You know your mom told me not to let you play."

"Well I thought you might say that." The brunette spoke as he approached his backpack. He took out some sort of a mask and put it on his head.

"Tenma what are you doing?" Shinsuke asked.

"Oh, right. I'm not Tenma." He said before he coughed and fixed his voice and hair. Everyone gasped in surprised.

"You're Tenma's cousin!" Kariya pointed at him.

"What are you doing here?" Shindou asked.

"Doing the dirty work for my cousin. Sleep tight" The brunette said as he pressed the button on the controller. The black boxes suddenly opened and released a gas. The gas slowly filled in as some of them started falling asleep. Tsurugi jumped onto Katsuki and pushed him against the wall.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" Tsurugi yelled at him in Anger.

"Just the dirty work, I believe your girlfriend will tell you the rest of the story." He said whilst wmirking though it did not show because of the mask.

"Haru..." Tsurugi's eye lids started to get heavy as he also fell asleep. Thuds were heard as one by one as they all fell on to the ground. Katsuki grabbed his backpack and left the locker room. He took off his mask as he was approached by his cousin.

"Are they all asleep?" Tenma asked his cousin. 

He put the mask in his backpack as he replied to him. "Yup, but that striker was quite pissed."

"Of course, sorry I dragged you into this." Tenma apologized to his cousin.

Katsuki remembers the day he received a call from Tenma last year regarding the team he was building up. Although he was gonna refuse he owed him, from a childhood promise. So he helped out Tenma become the fake libra to stand in for him. This way it eliminated the suspicion that Tenma was the traitor.

"I'm gonna go join Tatsuki and Tenkishi." Katsuki said as he was gonna leave but paused. "By the way, Aoi was it?"

"What about her?" Tenma asked.

"I think she has something to tell you. I didn't hear what she said since Raimon scored a goal at the time and the cheering deafened her voice." Katsuki explained.

"Yeah, after the game I will talk to her." He promised.

"Alright, see ya later Tenma." Katsuki said as he left the area.

Tenma thought about what could Aoi could have to say to him. His thoughts got interrupted by a familiar voice that spoke.

"Tenma, what are doing here?"

It was Endou Mamoru. 

"Nothing, and don't open the locker room it's filled with gas." Tenma told the older brunette who follow behind him as he walked line up with his team. Zodiac Eleven. Tenma grabbed the mask from Haru hand and put it over his face. Endou proceeded to go over to the bench and to take a seat.

The managers who were above the stands saw the familiar orange bandana and called out to him. Endou paused and waved over to the three and seated himself at the bench.

"Woohoo, Coach Endou's back. Isn't that exciting?" Midori said.

As Zodiacs had predicted Dragon Link arrived. All of the players on that team looked at them in confusion. Even Senguuji who was presenting himself as a coach for the team.

"Who are you?" Yamato questioned the unfamiliar team standing instead of Raimon.

The zodiacs stood silent making no eye contact. 

Finally the commentator spoke over the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, by the rules of the soccer organization both Raimon and Seidouzan has switched their team to a secondary team. Raimon is replaced by Zodiac Eleven and Seidouzan has been replaced by Dragon Link."

The crowd went silent and was confused by the new teams which has been announced. The Commentator continued to announce the current players of the team. Both teams proceeded to go to the bench to await the orders of their coach.

"Zodiac eleven is led by Coach Endou Mamoru. And Dragon link is led by Coach Senguuji Daigo."

The managers stood in the crowd frozen in shock.

"What's going on? Why is Coach Endou leading the Zodiacs? I thought they were our enemies?" Aoi questioned.

"Something isn't right at all." Midori spoke.

"Shin-sama..." Akane said in worry.

The Raimon cheerleaders screamed at the zodiacs regarding the replacement.

"Guys look, It's Tsumugi." The squad leader said as she pointed at the blonde haired girl approaching the seats. The managers called out to her but Haru just gave them a glance before looking away over to the bench.

"Let's go to the bench." Midori said as she left the seats. Akane and Aoi followed after her to the entrance to the field. They went over to the team and Coach.

"Coach Endou, What is going on?" Aoi asked Endou in a loud voice.

"Ah, Managers..." Coach Endou mumbled.

"What happened to everyone in Raimon?" Midori screamed at the Coach. Endou calmly looked away from them and demanded them. "I'm sorry but please leave. This is none of your concern."

"Excuse me? Explain to us what's going on?" Midori said in distraught. 

"Jeez, can I ever relax?" A voice spoke from behind them and they turn around to see a brunette.

"Tenma?" Aoi mumbled.

"Listen I'm trusting Coach Endou has his reason to do all this so please let him do this." Katsuki who was in disguised as Tenma again spoke.

"What happened to everyone else on the team?" Aoi questioned him. Katsuki looked over to Libra but Libra just shook his head. 

"It doesn't matter. Come on lets go." The brunette said as he grabbed Aoi's hand and dragged her away. "Good luck Libra." He said as he gave him a wave. The other two managers follow him and left the field and went to their seats.

Aoi asked the brunette. "What is going on?" The brunette looked into her blue eyes before sighing. "Everything will make sense soon. So please wait till the match is over." He said to her before walking away. Libra who was looking at them leave slowly turns to his team.

The commentator announced for the match to be starting slowly. All players on both teams slowly went to take their positions. Shortly the whistle blew as the match had begun.

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