Chapter 3 [Practice Match]

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Date: 9 April, Friday.


Endou's POV

I looked down at the forms from the first-years. As i went through, i found Tsurugi Kyousuke. The younger brother of Tsurugi Yuuichi. This put a smile on my face. 'Looks like this year's first-years will be very interesting.' I read his form to realized he already has a few hissatsu techniques. All of them were shoot styles. I put him in the interesting players place. Then i remember Tenma was also gonna be joining. I quickly grabbed his form. And i gotta say I'm surprised. I really was hoping he would at least have a few hissatsu techniques, but none. 'Tenma, your kinda disappointing me.' I sighed and put them his form also in interesting players. I looked through every student and finally found her form. The personal information were filled fine but the ones related to soccer she wrote. 'BAKA , LIKE I WOULD GIVE MY SOCCER INFORMATION TO AN IDIOT LIKE YOU >=P' I sweat-dropped as i read it.

"Haruna make sure to tell the school to make an announcement for a reminder to the practice."

"Of course" Haruna went out of my office. i cleaned up the forms and headed myself to the field.


Finally it was today. The practice match with the soccer team. I've been waiting for this day. I was in my class in my last period. There was 10 minutes before class was over. Then suddenly the speaker made a high pitch sound and an announcement was made.

"Students who applied for the soccer club, please wear your gym uniform and head to the main field. I repeat."

The announcement was made to remind the students and also get other students attention as well. Maybe most students will come to watch the match. That's gonna make me a little nervous though.

After the final bell rang, i quickly dashed to the locker room to change. After changing i went to the field, Nishizono caught up with me on the field. "You're so fast Tenma!" He complimented. "Thanks".

After all the members came, Endou-san told us to introduce ourselves to each other. He also told us to choose a position we can play best. So all of us first years introduced ourselves and told our position.

Tsurugi: Forward

Hakuryuu: Forward

Kageyama: Midfielder

Tenma: Midfielder

Shuu: Midfielder

Nishizono: Defender

Kariya: Defender

Tadakuni: Defender

Akagami: Goalkeeper

We had 9 members with us, so Endou-san gave our team 2 more players from the second team.

Kurumada and Hamano.

We all got in our position and waited for the whistle. Once the whistle was blown, Tsurugi passed the ball to Hakuryuu who passed the ball to Kageyama but he couldn't trap the ball so it got stolen by #11. So I got in front of him to trap him but the ball was passed to 11# who lost the ball to Shuu's sliding. Shuu dribbled past #9 and passed to Tsurugi. Tsurugi dribbled past the defense line and shot the ball. #1 stopped the shot with his hands. Like this the match continued.

I was mostly passing and dribbling past members. The match went on for 2 hours. We all lost track of time and had fun playing. Some of the players on my team used hissatsu techniques. 'Amazing' . Our goalkeeper wasn't able to stop the strikers shoot. And #1 wasn't able to stop Tsurugi and Hakuryuu's shoots. They both were like a match made in heaven. They both were synchronized with each other.

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