Chapter 49 [Falling]

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Before this chapter begins, I'd like add its my birthday. I am currently 20 years old. So goodbye teens. Ill never see that again. And I hope you enjoy the chapter. Previous chapter might have left you all craving for more.

Here's a motto I say: Suffer Today, Enjoy Tomorrow.

Date: 28th June, Monday

Tenma's POV

"Tenma? Are you home?" Aki-nee's voice was heard as the both of us jumped and moved away from each other.

'Oh my god!" I thought in my head as I started blushing brightly.

Aki-nee knocked on my door and called out again."Tenma?" 

"YEah! IM home." I replied to her in aloud voice as i approached towards the door.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Aki-nee asked.

"YEah I already have eaten." I replied to her behind the door.

"Is that so? Then good night." She said before she went away.

"Good night Akinee" I said to her as I heard her footsteps get feint. I sighed in relief and then slowly turned around to see Aoi facing the other way. I got a bit nervous so I just laughed and said "So you planning on staying or leaving??"

"Oh, I'm gonna go, BYE!" She said as she stood up grabbed her bag to leave. As she sprinted past me to open the door, I noticed she was still wearing the outfit so I said to her. "You're not gonna change or anything?"

"Oh right. Ill just uses your bathroom, if you don't mind." She got embarrassed.

"Of course not at all go on ahead." I gave her a grin. As she entered, I turned around and cover my face with my hands as I was embarrassed. After a while the door opened and she excused her self and went out of my room. I look out my window to see her jog out the manor in rush. I laid on my bed as I realized what just happened. 

'Oh my god. Her face was so close. Oh god. we probably would had k-- No no noo she's just my friend. But I do like her but oh god....' I thought as I was rolling on the bed from one side to the other.

Aoi's POV

"You're home quite late, did you eat?" My mom said as I entered but I just ignored her and went straight to my room. "Aoi?" I heard her call my name again but I just entered my room and locked the door. I turn on the light and put my bag on the study desk. I sat on the bed and grabbed my pillow as I laid down. I put my finger against my lip as I thought about what happened at Tenma's.

'So close. He was so close... He would had almost kissed me... Does he actually like me?'

I blushed as I thought about it more.

I sat up as I buried my head in the pillow.

"There's no way right... I mean we are just friends... We cannot be... more than that... I mean... It's Tenma... Just a guy who loves soccer a lot... There's no way I'm in love with him.. Love?? OH MY GOD!" I mumbled to my self.

I laid on the bed as I shook my legs.. I was completely shaken up by what happened.

Date: 29th June, Tuesday

Tenma's POV

Once again I was running late as I have overslept again. Mostly because i was not able to sleep. Well because of what happened yesterday. Luckily I was able to enter the class before the bell rang.

"Wow, you came late today. Something happened?" Shinsuke asked me.

"Nothing much, I was just tired from yesterday at the beach." I replied to him with an excuse which wasn't untrue. I was also tired from the training yesterday as well.

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