Chapter 28 [Dismissed]

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A/N : I forgot to upload a chapter on 21st JAN, Apologies.

24th May, Monday

As the alarm clock rang my eyes opened slowly. I reached my hand out and stopped the clock. I yawned as I got out of bed and went to wash up. After showering, I quickly put my uniform on and went to the dinner table to have breakfast. After a moment my younger brother joined the table.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" He asked as he looked up at me. I looked down at him and tilted my head in confusion.  "I wanna join the kids football club. So I want you to train me."

After gulping my food I answered to him. "I'd love to help my younger brother but I have practice after school so I cannot help you unless it's the weekends." I said to him with a smile.

"But the weekend is when the test is on" He replied.

"How unfortunate" I said in a sarcastic tone.

He got mad and stood up on his chair. He held the collar my shirt and shook me violently. "HELP OUT YOUR BELOVED BROTHER OUT"

"Considering how violent you are at the moment, I am having second thoughts about helping my 'beloved' brother out." I said as I was being shook.

"Tenki don't shake your brother." Aki-nee said as she walked in with Tenki's breakfast. He sat down and thanked for the food before eating it. I fixed my shirt and continued to eat my breakfast.


After finishing my classes I headed to the club along with Aoi and Shinsuke. Shinsuke doesn't know about me being a former SEED so it sorta shocked him when Aoi told him about it. He did hit my thigh for being a SEED. But in the end he was glad that I wasn't apart of fifth sector. So was I glad. I couldn't believe myself for stooping so law to get better at soccer. Whether I was bad and or good at it, Coach Endou would had let me join either ways.

As I arrived at the club meeting room, everyone was there already seated. Coach Endou was there at the front with Hakuryuu and Shuu. He called out to me and I also went down to join them.  I whispered to Shuu and asked what was going on.

"You'll see" He replied.

"Now I know what you all are thinking. Why have I put the 3 SEEDs from Fifth sector to the front. Well it is quite simple. Tenma, Shuu and Hakuryuu the 3 of you are dismissed until the next week" Coach Endou announced.

"WHAT?" I let out in shock. I wasn't the only one surprised but so was the rest of the team. "Coach what do you mean by that?" Shindou spoke in anger.

"This week will be the first match against the football frontier, we need everyone to win don't we?" Kirino spoke.

"Everyone settle down. This is my decision as a Coach. And I have decided to dismiss them for the week. They will be neither participating in practice nor the match."

"But why would you want to do that Coach?" Tsumugi asked curiously.

"That is none of  your business" Coach Endou said a serious tone. "You guys can watch us practice for the week and also watch the match on Saturday. I hope you guys can figure out why I made this decision." Coach said towards us.

"Yes Coach" The three of us looked down and nodded and left the room. Aoi came running after me to stop me. "Tenma!" 


"Hey, don't let coach bother you. You guys can still practice together in the river bank maybe."

"Its fine Aoi. I have other things to do anyway, so I'm okay." I resounded back to her with a smile. I walked away saying bye and left the club. As I walked out of the school I remembered something from this morning. So I quickly ran off to the riverbank after saying good bye to Hakuryuu and Shuu.

As expected there he was. Tenkishi. Practicing alone with some soda cans used as cones. I think he picked that idea from me. I used to practice dribbling by using soda cans as well. I slid down the grass and stole the ball by his feet. The cans fell down by the wind I caused.

"Tenma?!" He called out startled.

"Yo" I said as I bounced the ball into my hands.

"I thought you said you had practice." He said while pouting.

"Well me too. But Coach decided to dismiss me for the week. It looks like it's your lucky week." I replied as I dropped the ball and passed it to him. He stopped the ball and smiled towards me. I took my bag off and kept it beside his bag. After taking of my jacket, I untucked my shirt and kept my jacket on top of my bag. I rolled up my sleeves as it quite disturbed me a bit. 

"Hurry up" Tenki called out.

"Yeah I know" I replied as I ran towards him onto the field. Unlike how unexperienced I was when I was eight. Tenki was actually good. He is able to keep the ball in his control and able to dribble along pretty quick. But not the greatest shooter under pressure. What I meant by that was if I tried to take the ball from him as he was reaching for the goal. He is not able to shoot in the way he wants to. The shots either go over the goal or hit the post.

Playing with my brother after while cleared my head about today's event. We were practicing till sundown till my phone rang. I heard it from a distance and stopped practice. Tenki chugged his water bottle as I answered my phone.

"Hello, Aki-nee" I spoke over the phone.

"Tenma, have you seen Tenki? He hasn't come home yet." She asked worried.

"Ah, no worries he's with me. We were practicing by the riverbank. Looks like we forgot about the time." I explained to her.

"Honestly you two. Come home Dinner's almost ready." She said.

"Yeah we are heading home" I said as I hanged up the phone. 

"Was that Aki-nee?" Tenki asked.

"Yeah, looks like someone forgot to tell Aki-nee that we would be practicing"

"I  just forgot okay" He said as he pouted. After a chuckled I grabbed my jacket and tied it around my waist as we got ready to leave. He carried the soccer ball in his hands and I carried his school bag since it was a bit heavy. I didn't want him to get too much tired that he completely passes out as soon as his head hits the pillow. As we arrived home both of us took and shower before joining with Aki-nee for dinner. When I entered my room after having dinner to lay on the bed my phone vibrated as a message was received. I opened the message to read.

Anonymous: Your next opponent is Gassan Kunimistu. It is quite sad to know that you will be watching in the bleachers.

: It's fine with me. I can spend some time with my brother instead.

Anonymous: Whatever floats your boat.

I turned my phone and laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling as the words that Coach said reminded me.

'You guys can watch us practice for the week and also watch the match on Saturday. I hope you guys can figure out why I made this decision.'

What does he mean by figure out why he made that decision. Is it about us being former SEEDs? or something else? I couldn't figure it out no matter how much I thought about it. Just like that I drifted off to sleep.

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