Chapter 45 [Exams #2]

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Date: 21st June, Monday

Tenma's POV

As much as I wanted to practice for the semi finals, it was postponed to the next week. Why? Because of the exams. Surprisingly all four of the schools that went to the semi finals are having exams at the same time. During exams days, clubs are closed temporarily do everyone can focus on the exams. Which is what the second years did in the soccer club since the whole second team is second years. The thirds years were taking extra classes after school with their classmates. And us first years?

"Welcome to my house." Haru spread her arms showing her house.

We came over to Haru's house to study for the exams but we did not expect this at all. She lived in a penthouse on the top floor. And the rooms were spacious, filled with expensive furniture and decorations I could not explain.

"Make yourselves comfortable. I have arranged a table in the living room and Kyle will prepare some drinks and snacks." She motioned towards Kyle, a brown haired male a few inches taller than her dressed a butler outfit. He seemed old enough to be in high school. Sharp, cold eyes in brown color. He stares at us like, we are a group of pests. He walked over to the kitchen to make the drinks.

"What kind of fruits do you all like? It's best to have a nutritious drink instead of something like chocolate or coffee." She explained.

We all said a fruit we all liked and Kyle noted down on a small notepad before he made the drinks. Then the door bell rang with some guests here. Haru went to check it out and gasped and grinned. She opened the door to reveal a group. She invited them inside and introduced all of them.

"These are my friends from my cram school. Since the crams school we go to had closed down I invited them to study with us. And don't worry they all are first years as well. Introduce yourselves guys." She introduced them.

"Hi, I'm Shiori Yuuki. I'm from Raimon. Class 1-3." She had short brown hair in low pigtails and maroon round eyes with peach skin.

"I'm Amemiya Taiyou, from Outei Tsukinomiya." He had bright orange ruffled hair and dull blue eyes with a pale skin.

"Manabe Junichiro, Eito Gakuen." He has light lavender hair that falls some on the side with bangs in the middle which cross over each other. He also wears glasses which still show his taupe-coloured eyes.

"Minaho Kazuto, Tengawara" He has orange hair with bans and the side of his hair point upward. He has green eyes.

"Morimura Konoha, from Tonegawa Tousen." She has dark green hair shaped into two big buns. She is short and has a small body. The color of her eyes are black. She also has rosy cheeks and a small nose of the same color.

We also introduced our selves to them as well. Me, Tsurugi, Shuu, Hakuryuu, Aoi, Shinsuke, Kariya and Kageyama were there.

We all took a seat as Haru passed everyone a paper for the subject we would be taking. Although we all were getting together to study we were not studying the same subject. Us Raimon had English first but the others from different school had another subject.

Kyle gave each of us drinks to keep us from getting thirsty and for snacks he served us all types of nuts. There was peanuts, cashews, pistachio and almonds. 


We came here at 14:00 and it was already 18:00hrs. We had been studying with a fifteen minutes break after every 45 minutes. We had spent 3 hours studying and took an hour of break. Haru told everyone that it was time to go and some of us groaned in relief.

"Finally, freedom." Kariya said as he stretched his arms over his head.

"Don't forget, we will be doing this for the whole week." Haru stated.

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