Chapter 35 [Endou's Leave]

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Date: 7th June, Monday

Endou's POV

Today was the day i was going to inform the team about my leave. I had already informed my collegues last week.

Last week

"What is it that you wanted to tell all of a sudden?" Kazemaru asked.

"Oh, should I leave?" Hikaru asked as he pointed himself towards the door. "Oh no, Actually I need you to be the one who should hear this as well." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I'm wanted tell you all that I will be taking a leave." I told them.

"What? Why?" They asked.

"Natsumi is a week away from her due date so I wanted to take a leave and help her around the house and also arrange the baby's room." I explained to them

"Oh my god, wow. It's already been 9 months." Haruna said cheerfully.

"Damn, its like only yesterday you told us that she was pregnant." Kazemaru added.

"You all know about it?" Hikaru asked them.

"Yeah, I sort of told everyone before. So since I will be on leave I don't think I wanna leave Kazemaru for the first team to be watched over. I want you to watch over them, Hikaru." I told Hikaru.

"Me?!" He blurted out.

"Yeah, you will do great plus you have already become familiar with the team." I trusted him as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, but for a week." He said.

"Hikaru, you will do great. And there's no need to worry, Haruna and Kazemaru will also be here to help you out when in doubt." I pointed towards them. "Also I will return for the finals, that is if you take them to the finals." I said to him giving a thumbs up.

"I will try I guess" Hikaru sighed and gave in.

"Thanks Hikaru." I said as I bowed to him.


I sent a message to the team for an early morning meeting immediately as I wanted to inform the team about the news. I was waiting in front the meeting room doing a head count as everyone came along. As soon as Haruka and Hikaru arrived, we entered together and I started the meeting.

"Now I know some of you are very tired having to skip some nap times before class starts." I said since I noticed a lot of them were sleepy.

"Who the heck naps before class starts?" Kurama asked. Hamano, who was sitting next to him snored quite loud for him to realize that there are people who actually nap before class. He nudged Hamano's hand out of his face to make his head fall onto the desk to wake him up. "I'M WAKE" He blurted out awake.

Some of them burst into laughter for a bit in surprise. After the laughter passed I got their attention to tell them the news.

"Now I know that we are currently in 1/8 teams in the nationals. But unfortunately I cannot be there to guide you guys for the next 3 weeks." I told them.

"WHAT??!!" All of them blurted. They all continued to ask questions simultaneously.

"Everyone calm down, I'm telling the reason give me chance." I said loudly as I try to calm them all down. Shindou raised his arm so I allowed him to speak.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked.

"The thing is my wife will be giving birth soon." A moment of silence passed. "I made a promise with her that I will be by her side. So I would like to spend some times with her before my child is born. In fact we have some things we have wanted to do for a while but kept getting delayed since I've been training you all." I explained to them.

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