Chapter 47 [The Suspension]

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Date: 25th June, Friday

Tenma's POV

Today was the day of the last test Social Studies. Before the test started I reviewed the notes once more. The teacher came and told everyone to put away our things and get ready. Once the teacher checked everyone's drawer to make sure nobody kept any material in the drawers. He passed all of our papers and waiting till the time was sharp 8am to start the test.

Once the clock was 8'o clock the teacher told everyone to begin. I flipped my exam papers and started on the questions. Around 25 minutes had passes and I was done with my test. I stretched my arms and kept my eyes on the clock and waited. Since it was quiet,  some noises was heard from the class next to us. Just then the sound of the door sliding and the teacher yelling was heard.

"Both of you immediately go to the principles office and wait there." The teacher said. Our class teacher went out and see what was going on. Just then I saw two recognizing people. Shuu and Hakuryuu walking down the corridors. Shuu was frowning and Hakuryuu was angry. They both were suddenly kick out of the classroom. 'Why?' A question arose in my head. 

Since most of us were looking outside the class teacher told everyone to focus and told there was a couple of minutes left. I reviewed my paper once again to make sure I didn't miss any questions. I kept the thoughts of those two away for now.

After 15 minutes time was up so the teacher started collecting the papers. After collecting the papers, the teacher left to keep the paper in the teacher's lounge. Since there was no teacher everyone started talking about the test. Kariya and Aoi approached me and Shinsuke and asked.

"Why were those two kick out?" Aoi asked.

"I don't know" I replied.

"You think they cheated and got caught?" Kariya concluded with a smirk.

"What? They wouldn't do that. They are very good guys. Plus they studied quite hard during our study sessions." I reminded them about Shuu and Hakuryuu working hard. As the teacher walked in all of us went back to our seats for the class to start.


After classes finished we headed to the club room. As we arrived there was already 2 people there a bit earlier, Shuu and Hakuryuu along with Coach. I was going to ask them about what happened earlier today but the Coach told us immediately to take a seat. As everyone from the first team arrived, the Coach gave Shuu and Hakuryuu a nod. 

"Because of the horrible actions we committed we have been suspended from the school." Hakuryuu said as he held his head down.

"So we will no longer be a part of this club until our behavior is more appropriate." Shuu said as he looked down as well.

"We promise not to ever again cheat on the exams. Good bye Raimon Soccer club." Both of them said in unison. They left the room grabbed their bags. As they left Shuu stopped by to me. "Sorry Tenma" He muttered as he kept on walking.

Both of them had been suspended from the school for the next 2 weeks for cheating on the exam. Both of them were caught red handed by the teacher and immediately sent to the principle's office and suspended. Because of suspension they were no longer allowed to join the club activities either.

All of us were in shock of what happened. I mean they were genuinely studying hard to pass the exams so why would they cheat? It didn't make any sense at all.

"Why would they do that?" Kirino said.

"I can't believe those guys. I guess Seeds really aren't trustful." Kurama said looking away.

"Hey! That's our teammates you're badmouthing." I said in anger.  "They were very good players we can never replace, their actions towards soccer was respectful and trustful. But I don't know what happened for them to get suspended like that. I'm sure there is a reason." I added not believing the actions they had committed.

 "As much as you want to find out why they did it, they both confessed at the principle's office that they were just trying to be apart of the top scorers. Which is quite unlike them but for now it doesn't matter. Our next opponent is Outei Tsukinomiya." The Coach moved on from the topic of Shuu and Hakuryuu.

I tried to focus one what the coach was saying but all I could do was think about why they did that.

Shuu's POV

We arrived at my house after coming from school. I unlocked my front door before I went inside my house. Hakuryuu followed behind me as he entered and closed the door. We walked to the living room after removing our shoes.

"You're quite early, oni-chan." My sister said as she was making a drink in the kitchen.

"Yeah, we sorta off got suspended from school today" I replied to her. I wanted to be a little bit honest with her at least.

"WHAT!? WHy?! What did you do?" She screamed suddenly in shock and came in front of me.

"It's nothing, it's only for 2 weeks I will attend school after that." I said to her and patted her head in comfort and smiled at her.

"Alright" She said frowning.

"Don't disturb us, okay? We will be in my room." I said to her as I pointed to Hakuryuu.

"Okay Oni-chan" She said sadly as she went to make her drink. I walked to my room with Hakuryuu slowly following behind. 

"They are listening right?" Hakuryuu asked as he stared at the Eleven Band.

"Yeah" I replied to him softly as I walked towards my bed.

"The moment we snitch they will not hesitate to hurt us or her." He remind me of the consequences. I went to my bed and laid down. "I cannot believe we got caught. If only that girl didn't show up" I said tearing up. Hakuryuu came next to me and sat.

"Well at least we know they are not the bad guys, right?" He spoke softly.

"Still it is wrong. They hurt us and them." I sighed.

"We could had told them in a letter or something if we were still in school. But they got us suspended so we can't really tell anyone anything. We have to stay home for the next 2 whole weeks."

"But we will attend the finals right?" He reminded me of the finals.

"Hm, yeah of course if we don't. We will never get to see them again." I said as I covered my eyes with my elbow.

"So what should we do to pass the time?" Hakuryuu asked.

"You want a smoothie?" I asked him looking at him.

"Sure, A smoothie sounds great." He responded with smile. "Alright, let's go. I have some ingredients to make a smoothie." I said as I got off the bad and went to open the door. Both of us made smoothies and just sat on the couch watching cartoons with my sister. 

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