Chapter 59 [Confession]

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Tenma's POV

After finishing the closing ceremony, Coach Endou gave all of us a treat at a Barbeque Restaurant. All of us enjoyed the dinner we got and left.  

"THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL" All of us prayed before we started our meal. 

"Make sure to fill your selves up. You guys as well." Coach Endou said looking at the Zodiac members.

All of them were unmasked and wearing the jersey we wore before. But there was a slight tension with Raimon and Zodiacs a bit. Most likely cause of the fight we had for the avatar. I tried my best to cut the tension telling them it was my idea and such as since I learnt it all at fifth sector.

"I'm just mad about the you hurting my best friend." Shindou told to them. 

Haru gasped slightly before speaking. "Oh, that was me." She smiled. All of them widen their eyes in surprise. I mean Haru was a manager so they never expected her to play soccer at all.

"I didn't know you played soccer." Kirino said.

"I'm in club of soccer. Of course I have played it." Haru replied.

"I'm still upset." Shindou pouted slightly.

"Geez, Krinio-senpai! I apologize about attacking you that day." Haru apologized to Kirino.

"I guess it's fine for now." He replied to her.

"All I want to say is I did all this for the money Haru will give us." Matatagi stated.

"No need to brag about becoming slighting richer Matatagi." Haru responded.

"Wow, I can't believe you were betraying us." Sakura told Matatagi

"What are you talking about?" Matatagi questioned.

"We all made a  pact not to take anymore money from her." Ibuki stated.

"Hey! I'm broke I need the money." Matatagi declared.

"Peasants" Kyle coughed.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Matatagi screamed at Kyle.

Laughter filled the room. I guess the tension is finally gone. It wasn't long before the everyone continued a conversation about the match and the souls. After while the conversation got turn to Coach Endou by Seto.

"Coach Endou you owe us a picture of the baby you know." She asked him.

"Oh right, Here you go." Coach Endou gave hid phone away with the picture of his baby on the lock screen.

"Oh my god that's adorable? Is it a boy or a girl?" Akane asked.

"A boy. His name is Haru." Coach Endou replied.

Everyone turn to Endou and then turn to Haru slowly.

"Wait, I did not name him after Haru. Natsumi named him after the season. Since it's spring and she was named after the summer." Coach Endou explained.

"Aww that sucks." Haru pouted.

After we all had finished out meals, I left with Shinsuke and Aoi to head back home. I told them about what I had done for the last year along with the zodiac members. I revealed the secrets o had kept for the past 2 months. Shinsuke parted ways to head t hid place. Aoi and I slowly walked to her house. There was a silence going on since it was a bit awkward.

"So, Katsuki said you had something to say to me?" I asked her remembering what Katsuki mentioned before the match started.

She paused and stood silently.  I walked over to her as I leaned to her face. Our eyes met and I spoke. "It's alright. You can tell me when you're ready." I pulled my face back but was immediately hugged by Aoi. She dropped her bag onto the ground. As her head laid on my shoulder, I held her back with my arms around her waist.

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