Chapter 21 [Previous Inazuma Japan]

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Date: 18th May, Tuesday

Tenma's POV

We had a match against the previous inazuma japan. There was a lot of fangirling around and getting autographs before the game began. The second team even came by to watch, since Coach Kazemaru was also joining the match. Coach Endou even joined as a Goalkeeper since his friends were begging him. These were the line ups.

Previous under 15 Inazuma Japan.

GK Endou Mamoru
DF Kazemaru Ichirouta
DF Tsunami Josuke
DF Kiyama Tatsuya
MD Kidou Yuuto
MD Nosaka Yuuma
MD Inamori Asuto
FW Haizaki Ryouhei
FW Fubuki Atsuya
FW Kira Hiroto

Current Raimon

FW Tsurugi
FW Hakuruyuu
MD Shuu
MD Shindou
MD Tenma
MD Hamano
DF Kurmada
DF Amagi
DF Kirino
DF Kariya
GK Sangoku

"Damn I wanna play against them so badly" Kurama gritted his teeth. 

"Too bad" Tsumugi stated. Since Coach Endou was a the GK we decided Tsumugi can be our temporary coach for this match. Only Hayami and Kurama were benched for the game. When Coach's team warmed up, we all went to our positions. Otonashi-sensei acted as a referee and blew the whistle for the match to start.

It was Raimon's kick off. Tsurugi got the ball from Hakuruyuu and did an instant back pass to me which I passed over to Kariya. As he caught it all of us started moving forward. Kariya looked over the field to find someone open. He called out to me and pass the ball over. During that moment Haizaki was coming to steal the ball. So I turned around and passed that ball over to Shuu. "what the?" I heard Haizaki mutter at my sudden movement. 

As Shindou got the got the ball I passed he crossed the field past Kira using HT, Presto Turn. He passed the ball over to Shuu who was free. But Inamori came in and stole the ball. He passed the ball over to Atsuya who was near the defenders without anyone noticing. As Sangoku-senpai noticed it, he called over to Kurumada-senpai and Amagi-senpai to get ready for an incoming shoot. Even when they got a heads up, Atsuya's shoot broke through the defense into the goal. I was also quite impressed not gonna lie. I think everyone had the same reaction, instead of a frown everyone was grinning excitedly.

With another kick off we started the game again. Tsurugi passed the ball over to Shindou. Shindou called to me and Shuu to approach forward. most of us got marked pretty easily. As Shindou was looking around to pass someone, I slipped past Inamori and called out to Shindou. He passed the ball above, so I jumped to get it but Nosaka got it instead. As we landed he had the ball with him. I tried to get the ball back but he slipped right past me. 

I approached him from behind as I used my energy to build a wind around me. He seemed to notice it when he turned his head. But before I could tackle him, the wind that was surrounding me messed up my balance and I fell. Nosaka chuckled a bit before passing the ball over to Haizaki. He broke past the defense before shooting the ball towards the goal. Sangoku senpai didn't reach to the right side in time so they got another goal in.

As they all walked back to the postions, Nosaka approached me. "That was some interesting aura that was appearing behind you."

"What?" I replied confused by what he meant.

"Maybe try releasing it all together?" Nosaka mentioned before he left.

I was in a bit of a confusion by what he meant. 

As we got into our positions again the match continued. 


In the end we lost with a score of  0-3. Coach Endou was too much strong as a goalkeeper. None of the forwards shot broke through him. Since Nosaka and both Kidou had amazing strategies they got 3 goals in from 3 separate forwards. I will be honest these guys are definitely pros. All of us were tired from catching up to them.

With grin on his face Coach Endou smiled and spoke.

"Not bad everyone. I am quite proud of you all. That was an amazing match." With that sentence and smile all of us felt like an we got some recovered some energy. With that the practice match ended and all of us hit the showers before heading home. After I was done, I met up with Aoi and Shinsuke to head home. As we were about to leave from the school grounds. Tsurugi called out to me. 


"Eh? What's wrong Tsurugi?"

"For tomorrow practice would you like to train with me?" he asked so suddenly. 

'Damn bro I almost blushed'

"Me? why me?" I questioned.

"Nothing just thought it should be a good chance for us to coordinate with each other I guess?" he said.

"Umm okay sure I'll pair up with you tomorrow." I said agreeing with him.

"Thank you, good night now" He said before he ran away from the school grounds.

"Why is he running all of a sudden?"


"DONT RUN FROM ME KYOUSUKE" We both heard as Tsumugi went past us at light speed. I think she was roller skating. Cause her legs were not bending nor lifting off the ground.

'God thank you but I was hoping for more action rather that what ever this is'

The three of us laughed for a minute before heading back home.


??? POV

"Gemini! Aries!" I called out to them as the doors to the field opened.

"What?" Gemini asked.

"There's something we need you to do, follow me" I said before walking to the meeting room. They both came running in behind me.  As we entered the room, the projector turned on to reveal a layout of the fifth sector's building. 

"What is this building?" Aries asked.

"This is the fifth sector's building. And you two will be sneaking in there." I answered.

"WHAT?" Aries blurted out.

"Huh? How do you expect us to join there?" Gemini asked.

"No worries we had already found two people who work as a guard to replace you two" I explained.

"And where are they?" Aries asked.

"Right here" As I pressed the button a door opened in front of us revealing two people in their underwear tied up in ropes and blind folded.

"I hope you don't fail your task." I reminded them as I gave them their uniform to fit in with the guards.

"May I ask a question?" Gemini asked

"You may" I said.

"When is Libra returning?" He asked. Libra was one of the players, but Leo said he sent him on a mission.

"I don't know about that, Only Leo knows."


I humbly apologize for this late chapter. It's a pretty hectic week here at work. So I kept getting distracted. 

Anyways hope you have enjoyed.

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