Chapter 14 [Exams #1]

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Date: 4th May, Tuesday.

Tenma's POV

'God this is so hard' I thought as I struggled on the question. I was revising for the math's test in the library. Today we had Japanese. I was pretty confident in Japanese so I had nothing to worry about. Tomorrow was the Maths Test and I haven't made any progress in the self test sheet. I was here all alone struggling. Usually I'd be with Aoi but she must have lost me when I ran out the classroom today.

I was using all of my brain but I could not solve this problem. I was so worn out, it had been an hour and I was still on the first question. Suddenly someone slammed their hand on the desk and startled me. It was Aoi who seemed to be a bit out of breathe.

"This is where you been all this time? I have looked all over the school to find you. The soccer club, the auditorium, the other classrooms and you are actually sitting here revising for the test in the library. Unbelievable!" Aoi rambled on as she was quite upset and out of breathe.

"I clearly stated at the club yesterday that I wanted to skip practice to revise for the exams so why did you not think of the library as the first choice?" I reminded her.

"I didn't think you were serious" she replied as she took a seat in front of me. I got a bit annoyed by the fact she actually thought I was joking. As annoyed as I was I couldn't let it distract me from studying.

"Tomorrow's Math right?" She asked me staring at my self test sheet.

"Yeah, but I don't know Math so I'm stuck. What subject do you excel in?" I asked her.

"History, you?" She responded.

"Science..." I replied as I laid my head on the table.

"I'm terrible at Maths too so I don't think I can help at all." Aoi responded.

"There you two are" a familiar voice turned our heads. It was Shinsuke, approaching us out of breathe.

"I was looking all over for you Tenma. I looked at the club and every classroom." He spoke while panting slightly. I lifted my head up to meet his eyes.

"I said I wanted to study so your first option should had been the library" I reminded him feeling a bit annoyed.

"oh I didn't think you were serious" he said. I dropped my head on to the desk as Shinsuke said the same thing Aoi said. 

"So what are you guys doing?" Shinsuke asked curiously.

"He's trying to learn math for the test tomorrow but he doesn't know math and neither do I." Aoi replied to Shinsuke.

"Oh yeah, what do you excel in Shinsuke?" I asked a bit curious. Considering the fact that he's actually a pretty cheerful guy he must like something like maths if he does I could ask him for-

"I'm pretty good at archaeology" Shinsuke replied with confidence.

'Oh lord have mercy' I prayed in my head.

"Since when did we go to the Jurassic park?" I asked sarcastically.

"Hey, Dinosaurs are pretty awesome" He said as he walked over to the seat next to mine and sat down. "They maybe extinct but they are so cool. If they were alive, they would like the size of our school, like -"

"Shinsuke, i get that you love Dinosaurs but its not gonna help on our exams tomorrow." I spoke over him, while putting my hand on his shoulder.

"oh...ahhh.." We all sighed together again. After a few moments of silence, someone broke it.

"Oh hey what are you guys doing?" Kariya approached us carrying a book in his hand over his shoulder. He observed what was on table. "Are you guys studying for the exams tomorrow?" He asked us.

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