Chapter 7 [Hissastsu Technique]

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Date: 20th April, Tuesday

"Okay everyone, the opponent for the preliminary match is chosen. We will be going against Tengawara. "

We were in the meeting room, Coach Endou was telling about the opponent team.

Tengawara, huh? Hm... Oh yeah there was a seed sent on that team. Ooh... This is gonna be interesting.

"So we are gonna be putting Tenma as a forward. "


"WHAT!?" I slammed both my hands on the desk and stood up.

"Why am I on forward?"

"For a Decoy, and they might underestimate you too. So give it your best" He grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

'No... I can't do it. '

"Yes, I'll do it. But don't I need a hissasstsu shoot?" I said.

"You don't need one if your a Decoy. " Kurama replied.

"Surprise gifts are the best ones" I answered.

"What? " Kurama said.

"It means if he at least has a HS then we may be able to surprise the opponents at the last minute"Tsurugi answered.

"Exactly, so I want Kurama and Shindou to help out Tenma" Endou told.


After the meeting we all headed to the field. I got paired up with Captain,  Sangoku-senpai and Kurama-senpai. I practiced shoot at the goal, but all my shots keep going to the goalpost and not the net. And Sangoku-senpai caught any ball which was even getting near.

He also said that I should put more power into the shot. Hey, you're asking a guy who practiced dribbling all one with cones. How much kick power do you with I have.

I shot the ball with all my strength bit the ball went over the goal. 3 hours of practice went away with me trying to shoot a goal. And you know, I didn't get a single one in. What a surprise.

'Wow. Tenma,you're amazing.'

As usual I headed back home, ate dinner and flopped on my bed while drifting of to sleep. Unless I was thinking a way to make a HS. Maybe I run really fast and then shoot the ball it might work.

Well good luck me from tomorrow. I'm counting on you.

Date: 21th April Wednesday.

I woke to my 4 am alarm and got ready to go for a jog. I wore my soccer club tracksuit and packed my bag. Just in case I might forget about it later. I grabbed my soccer ball and went out of my room. I sneaked out of the Kogarashi Manor and headed to the river bank.

After I arrived there, I ran a few rounds around the field before warming up. I grabbed the ball and dribbled it over to the front of the goal. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

I balanced the ball on top of my foot and gently raised it. Then I sent the ball into the air. When it was coming down, I twirled and kicked the ball giving it the power I had in me. I smirked as I called out the name of this HS.


The ball went in to the goal, but I should had thought this through...

Time: 6:45

I met up with Aoi and Shinsuke after getting out of the house.

"Hey guys, Good morning"

"Good morning. " Both of them replied.

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