Chapter 51 [Taiyou vs Tenma]

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Before this chapter begins I would like to mention some bad news. I'm gonna be travelling to my hometown tomorrow. I may not have internet for a while to upload maybe. 

Anyway vote if you enjoyed.

Date: 3rd July, Saturday

Taiyou's POV

This time for sure we can immobilize Raimon. If Tenma is the key to stopping Grid Omega, then if he is far enough he won't be able to make it in time to stop it. I called out to my teammates as we started phase two of the tactics. We were staying away not to get caught up in the whirlwind but Tenma approached the whirlwind with his avatar out and went in.

I couldn't believe he would go in to stop it. But it was likely too late the whirlwind had already processed into phase three and rose to a tornado. All of them should had gotten caught in it even Tenma. It was too late to stop it and that defense technique would not be able to stop it now. I stood by and watched the tornado go wild.

Just then the red tornado was quickly eliminated by a new light blue one which was a lot stronger. "What is that?" I mumbled as my eyes widen in surprise.

The new tornado dialed down softly to the ground as it disappeared. It made sure all players landed safely.

"Unbelievable Raimon has once again avoided the Grid Omega!!" The commentator announced in excitement.

There was all the members of Raimon lost in dizziness all collapsed together with no severe injuries and again Matsukaze Tenma standing in the middle as if nothing had occurred.

"Looks like Matsukaze has once again broken through Outei's Tactics. How will they get past Raimon now?" The commentator announced.

"Matsukaze Tenma? Who are you really?" I mumbled in excitement.

"How is it possible? How did he stop it again?" Hiroshi asked.

"I don't know, but I think we can't use this strategy anymore." I replied to him. Just then our eleven band received a message. It was from Coach.

"Looks like Grid Omega V2 has failed. Feel free to follow the captains orders for now"

All of my teammates turned to me after reading. Looks like Coach wants me lead the team for now. I looked over to him seeing him a bit pleased. I guess Tenma impressed him. Not once but twice.

Raimon players got up and got ready by going to their positions. We still had the ball held by us so we continued the match by breaking past the midfielders but #6 stopped Kinsuke and stole the ball. But his movements were a bit slow so we stole the ball back and approached once again.

Suddenly Tenma stopped me.

"It was a horrible tactics, you know." He spoke angrily.

"Yet It never harmed your team at all, surprisingly." I smiled at him.

"I care about my team. It hurts to see their dreams get destroyed." He glared. "Because of you some of them could get injured severely. Will you be able to watch that happened to your teammates?" He asked me.

I hesitated before anwering . "No but-"

Tenma cut me off before I could say anything more. "Even if it's to win, can you watch your teammates suffer?" He asked again. I looked over to the other side to see Raimon had stolen the ball back moved on offense to attack us.

"Umito-!" I tried to call out to my teammate as I tried to move away, but was cut off by Tenma again.

"I won't let you get away. One thing I know for sure is that Outei need their Captain." Tenma kept his cover on me, stopping me from playing.

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