Chapter 27 [Zodiac]

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Date: 23rd May, Sunday

Tenma's POV

When we finished the dessert I asked for the bill and paid. As we got up from our table to leave, I noticed two familiar people beside our table. Shuu and Hakuryuu.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked curiously.

"Definitely not spying on you." Hakuryuu replied instantly.

"That's sounds a lot more suspicious than a coincidence." I replied to him.

"So what are you guys doing here actually?" Aoi asked.

"Resting to be honest, we ran for quite a mile. And we just walked in here." Shuu answered.

I did notice these two outside the café since I was glanced out the window. "Where did you guys go anyway?" I asked them.

"To fifth sector" Hakuryuu replied.

"What?" I said in shock and took a seat next to Shuu. "What happened?" Aoi asked as she took a seat next to me.

"We both made a decision to join you guys in the revolustion. We are sorta tired of fifth sector and their stupid rules." Shuu said.

"Plus today they tried to annihilate us." Hakuryuu added.

"Annihilate?" Aoi questioned. Whenever someone defies fifth sector they usually remove them, but not annihilate.

"They used Yamato with his avatar to attack us. And they shot some sort of tranquillizer to stop us from using our avatar." Hakuryuu said.

"But fortunately some guys appeared to help us." Shuu said.

"Who?" I asked. Who would want to help a bunch of traitors to fifth sector?

"Zodiac" Shuu answered.

"Zodiac?" Aoi and I said in a unison.

"Yeah, remember Shindou said he was attacked by some guys wearing white masks with symbols. We met two other people with similar appearances, Gemini and Aries" Shuu explained.

"And Shindou met Leo and Cancer." Hakuryuu added.

"Is it some sort of unknown team we haven't heard about?" A familiar voice spoke. We looked up to see Tsumugi. "Haru-chan" Aoi said in surprise.

"Hey" She greeted.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. She smiled and dragged someone from the seat next to us. It was Tsurugi. "I'm hanging out, with this guy."

"She's lying, we just bumped into each other coincidentally. I was dropping my sister of at her school for some event and she just happened to be there as well dropping her brother off. Then she just dragged me along to hangout with her." We all sweat dropped. 

"What do you mean by a team?" Hakuryuu asked. 

"I mean so far you two met Gemini and Aries and Shindou met Leo and Cancer. Then wouldn't that mean that it would be a team?" Haru explained as she seated next to Hakuryuu and Tsurugi seated next to her.

"Oh yeah, Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus, Aquarius and..." Aoi said.

"Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpio and Libra" Tsurugi added.

"Which means 12 players had formed a team." Shuu said.

"I wonder what they want though?" I asked.

"Aren't they part of fifth sector?" Aoi asked.

"If they were part of fifth sector they wouldn't help us escape" Hakuryuu answered.

"But Shindou said that they claimed they were from fifth sector" Tsurugi added.

"Probably lied. Cause they didn't aim to destroy them that day." Tsumugisaid.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Shindou got his avatar didn't he?" Tsumugi said.

"Yeah he did" I said.

"Maybe they are our allies or enemies" Tsumugi said.

"Maybe they are just Neutral" Tsurugi said.

"Neutral?" the rest of us said in a unison.

"They neither good nor bad." Tsurugi answered.

"Well whoever they are, we will make sure to win the tournament." I said.

"Yay lets go raimon!" Tsumugi said as she raised her arm. "YEAH!" We all joined her. After that we all went our sperate ways. Aoi and I decided to stroll along the park before sundown. We bumped into a group of kids playing around with their soccer ball. I was gonna join them but Aoi dragged me away. If I start playing I probably won't be done till after sundown.

As the sun was setting we decided to head home. We arrived into the neighborhood, the sun had set, as the street lights turned on. We were having small conversations about today. At that moment I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw no one there. "What's wrong, Tenma?" Aoi asked.

"Oh nothing. I just felt-" Just as I was about to end my sentence, a ball came approaching at high speed to Aoi. I quickly shot the ball back into the shadows from where it arrived. The ball stop at the feet of someone. The person came into the light and we could see him a bit clearly. "A white mask?" Aoi mumbled as she saw him. I stayed in front of her to cover her. The guy was wearing a white mask with a symbol on the forehead just like Shindou described it. "Which symbol is that though?" I whispered to Aoi as I kept her behind me.

"Matsukaze Tenma" I turned to him as he called my name. "I'm Libra. Would you like to play a game with me?" Libra was wearing a black t-shirt underneath a dark green jacket with blue pants.

"A game?" I questioned.

"It's honestly quite simple. Just steal the ball and-" As soon as he said I dashed to him and stole the ball. "WHAT?" He let out.

"I believe this is my win." I lift the ball to my hands. "Here" as I offered the ball back to him. He seemed hesitant but took the ball. "Just tell me this" I said to him.

"What?" He asked.

"What's Zodiac and what's your objective? Is it to destroy Fifth Sector or Raimon?" I asked.

"..." After a long pause he spoke. "If I had to be honest. I don't quite know. But I do believe one thing our leader hates."

"Leader?" I said.

"Leo, he hates control." He answered.

"I see" I said.

"Well it looks like you passed your trial, I'll get going." He said as he held the ball to his waist and walked away. "Bye" He said while giving a wave. I just stood there watching as he disappeared into the shadows.

"There he goes" I mumbled. "Why did he come here anyway?" Aoi asked.

"I don't know but I think that was an introverted personality" I said. 

Afterwards I just dropped Aoi to her house and went back home. The first thing I did after heading home was taking a shower. As I was in there I had some thoughts about that guy. Even though he stated to play a game, it was quite fast how he lost. Could he had been not an actual soccer player? His reflexes were quite off. He didn't seem to have a fast reaction either. Also he was quite honest. That is not a good personality, but a quite dangerous one.

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