Chapter 31 [New Trainer]

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Date: 31st May, Monday

Tenma's POV

After school, I headed to the club with Aoi and Shinsuke. As I arrived in to the building I met up with Shuu and Hakuryuu. We went into the club room parting ways with Shinsuke. When we entered everyone welcomed us back. Coach was there as well with a grin. "So how was your small vacation from soccer?"

"Even though you dismissed us, me and Shuu practiced with each other. Plus we watched the match. Those guys really had you in the first half." Hakuryuu replied to Coach.

"Kariya did a pretty amazing job, breaking through their Hissatsu Tactics." Shuu complimented Kariya.

"I only got to see the last moment when Tsurugi scored." I mentioned.

"Seriously you didn't watch the full match?" Hakuryuu said to me.

"Yeah" I replied to him.

"You're unbelievable." He said.

"I'm sorry for being a good brother." I said sarcastically.

"What?" He muttered but a loud clap was heard which got our attention. It was Coach. "Well it's good to have you back, so Tenma did you figure out the reason I dismissed you guys?" Coach asked me.

"It was because of how strong we were. Plus I noticed it for a while that our movements are coordinated with each other but with the rest of the team it seems to be really slow and uncoordinated." I explained.

"So how do you plan on fixing that?" He asked me.

"Individual training?" I suggested. Since before also in Fifth Sector we used to do individual training as well.

"That's right. With Individual training we can increase your overall abilities. And then you all can synchronize with each other to become better. But I don't think I can prepare you guys individual trainings." Coach said as he scratched his head. 

"Since it is not one of my specialties, so I got someone else for that job instead." He claimed.

"Greetings Raimon members." A greeting from an unfamiliar was heard as the doors slid open. A man quite tall and with dark blue short hair. Black eyes with a light blue center and a warm smile on his face. He was wearing a black T shirt underneath blue navy tracksuit jacket with dark gray-green pants. He walked in and went over to Coach Endou. They shook hands with each other before introducing him.

"This is Ichihoshi Hikaru. Your new trainer. He will be preparing individual training menus for you all to improve." Coach introduced the man, who was looking quite familiar.

"Nice to meet you Raimon." the room got noisy as everyone spoke suddenly greeting the new trainer. I don't quite remember who he is but feels a bit familiar. Coach told everyone to meet them on the outdoor field, so everyone went to the lockers to change into the uniforms.

When we arrived at the field, we all were given separate papers. It was the training menus. He had already prepared the menu beforehand by observing our plays. That's pretty amazing. Although me, Shuu and Hakuryuu didn't get one from him.

"Wait how come we don't get one?" Hakuryuu complained.

"Well I need to analyze your real plays in order to prepare a training menu. So I want you guys to play a 2 vs 1, against each other three times. I will be able to prepare it for tomorrow. So what do you say?" He explained and asked us.

"Sure, I guess." Hakuryuu said in agreement. Shuu and I nodded as well.

Since he need to analyze our real plays. the 3 of us of us played rock paper scissors to decide the one who will be playing alone. Unfortunately for me I chose scissors while the other 2 chose rock. The whole team was watching us play.

"You're gonna lose Tenma!" Hakuryuu said with full confidence. I have to keep the ball with me and try to pass through them and score a goal. When the whistle blew, I'll dribble past them as fast as I could. I used my HT, Spiral Draw. I broke through hakuryuu and came past Shuu. Shuu tried to tackle and get the ball but I broke through and shot a goal using my HT, Kaze No Hoko. With a goal shot the whistle blew. Now we switched positions. It went in a similar way except they both had a hard time to shoot the goal since I was covering them. Unlike the both of them who were better on offense, I was better on defense.

Even though we were only playing for Ichihoshi's analysis. The three of us just kept switching and going against each other. Everyone else went with their own training after some time of watching us. Some of them had to go outside of school to do the training. While others grabbed some old tires and dragged them around while running.

After training was over, I headed home with Aoi and Shinsuke. We separated ways as we got closer to our homes. As I arrived to the manor, I was greeted by my mom at the doorstep with her suitcase. It seems she only came for a while before heading back to Okinawa. She paused at the gate when she was about to leave.

"Oh yeah, apparently your cousins in town. His mom told me he's in the hospital since he broke his arm." She stated.

"Ehh? When did he break his arm?" I said in shock.

"hmm... I think it was yesterday?" She said.

"He broke his arm yesterday? Why are you telling me this now?" I asked her.

"I mean, shouldn't you at least visit? I have to go back anyway. Bye sweetie." She said as she waved and walked away.  I waved goodbye and went to my room. Apparently my cousin is here in town because he broke his arm. But mom didn't clarify one thing. Which one had broken their arm? I have twin cousins both males who are an year older than me. I haven't seen them for a while now. I wonder what gift should I prepare for them? I should also take Tenki with me to visit. 

I took off my clothes and went to take a shower to wash off the sweat. After showering I wore my pajamas and headed to Tenki's room which was next to mine. He was there by his desk doing homework. 

"Hey, you wanna come and visit the twins tomorrow?" I asked him.

"The twins?" He questioned.

"Katsuki and Tatsuki. Mom said that one of them had broken their arm." I said.

"Ooh. That sounds painful. I guess I can go but what time will you come?" He asked

"I guess maybe around 5pm? I have a training menu to do tomorrow so it might take a while to finish." I replied.

"Alright, I will tell my Coach." He agreed to come with me so I left the room and went back to my room to finish my homework before dinner.

Endou's POV

After the practice had ended everyone went home. I decided to stay for some time to dig more information about the next team we would be fighting. It was Hakuren Jr.High. Turns out the Coach of that team is Fubuki Shirou. I didn't know he was the coach. Apparently Hakuren had a pretty solid defense. So it was gonna be quite hard to break past them. Someone knocked on the door and I told to come inside. Hikaru came in excusing him self.

"Endou-san" He called my name out and walked towards my desk. "Here are the training menus for the trio today." He said.

"Thank you Hikaru." I said as I took the papers and read their menus. 'They had a similar type but was a bit different. Must be the separate abilities of them' I thought . Another knock was heard from the door as Kazemaru walked in excusing himself with Haruna. "Oh you're both here." I said.

"Yeah, what is it that you wanted to tell all of a sudden?" Kazemaru asked.

"Oh, should I leave?" Hikaru asked as he pointed himself towards the door. "Oh no, Actually I need you to be the one who should hear this as well." I said.

"What is it?" He asked.




Sorry it took a while to upload. I was fixing the spelling errors.

Introducing two new characters are Katsuki and Tatsuki. 

Twin cousins, 1 year older than Tenma. Katsuki is the older twin and Tatsuki is the younger twin. 

Anyways Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote.

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