Chapter 44 [Seishou Gakuen]

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Date: 19th June, Saturday

Tenma's POV

The week went by quite fast as we had the same training everyday. We asked Coach why he's not giving us different trainings but he never gave an answer. And After the matches we were given our training menu which we had to complete out of school. I had to run through the busy roads for an hour till I had covered 4km in total. and let me just say it is hard to go through a herd of busy people. Shinsuke said he had a training where he has to catch water balloons with out popping them. As easy as it sounded, the balloons were thrown at high speed so it was hard to catch them without popping.

We had arrived at the stadium so we all got off the bus. We went to lockers and got changed so Coach could announce our positions. When all of us were ready he announced our positions.

FW Kurama
FW Tsurugi
MD Hayami
MD Nishiki
MD Shindou
MD Hamano
DF Kurumada
DF Amagi
DF Kirino
DF Kariya
GK Sangoku

It was just like the match against Teikoku. Shuu and I were benched. Damn...

"Looks like we will be benched again." Shuu said to me.

"I'm pretty sure you will have to switch with me or Hayami" Hamano said. "I mean we both are pretty slow after the first half." Hayami nodded along with Hamano.

"I don't think so, right Shuu?" I turned to Shuu who nodded with me.

"Yeah, I think after like the 2 matches you both were able to keep up with us." Shuu reminded the both of them about the matches we had this week.

"Well, we will see I guess." Hamano said.

It was time to start the match so we headed over to the field. Shuu and I didn't go for the line up since we were benched. I met up with the Aoi and Shinsuke. Hakuryuu was sitting there with a mad face because he was also benched. He usually doesn't like it when he's benched. The match started with the whistle...

The game started with Seishou's kickoff, the captain Mahoro didn't hesitate to send the Hissatsu shoot immediately. He shot it after he got past the midfielders. Both Amagi and Kirino tried to stop the shoot using their Defense Hissatsu but the Phantom Shot went right through them flickering away. Even Sangoku was unable to stop the shoot.

Captain tried to make everyone be on defense and make sure Mahoro couldn't get the ball. But Seishou completely covered for Mahoro to make sure he gets to shoot. After the first time I saw it, I knew there was a way to stop it but where? I heard a camera shutter go off as one of the managers, Yamana Akane snapped a pictures awing over Shindou. That's when I had an Idea.

"Tsumugi?" I whispered to her. "Yeah?" She replied. "Do you think you can record when Mahoro shoots again?" I asked her.

"Uhhh sure I guess" She agreed and took out her phone and recorded the game carefully. 

At that moment, Mahoro broke past Amagi's HT towards the goal. Sangoku again couldn't stop the shoot and it went past through his HT as well.

"Here" Haru said as she gave me the phone. I slowed the footage down and watched it multiple times. 

"What are you doing Tenma?" Aoi asked curiously.

"I wanna see if it is going in a pattern or not." I replied to her.

The repeating footage was not enough, so I asked Haru and Akane to shoot a fooratge one more time. Both of them recorded one more time as Mahoro broke past once again and scored another goal.

As a I looked over both of the footage at the same time slowing them down I noticed it. 'A break through, It needs to be a Hissatsu defense technique. But what kind of Hissatsu technique would block it?' I questioned in my head.

The whistle blew as the first half finished with Seishou in the lead with 3-0. 'Damn this was not good at all' I thought . As the team gathered around the bench during half time I took the footage and showed it to the defenders. Kirino also saw it, there was a pattern it was moving at. The shoot was moving at a low speed but disappeared for a certain amount of time.

"So it has it's own momentum." Kirino said looking at the slowed down footage.

"That's right. If we know it's momentum, we can create a Hissatsu tactics to stop it." I told to him.

"Can i see that?" Amagi asked and I gave him the footage.

"Saw do you think we can break through it?" I asked Kirino.

A silence passed as Kirino thought about it.

"I'll stop it!" Amagi declared.

"Amagi-senpai?" I questioned.

"I am mortified that I couldn't stop that shoot. Even though he was an old friend of mine." Amagi said.

"Eh?" I let out in surprise about Mahoro being an old friend of his.

"Mahoro and I known in Elementary but we chose different schools to go to. We were friends for a long time but I didn't know he had gotten this much stronger." Amagi said.

"If you are going to stop that shoot prove it to me" Coach approached Amagi and asked him. "If you can't, I will have to substitute you." 

Amagi nodded as he calmed himself down. He gave us a grin and told us. "You can leave that shoot to me, so Tsurugi and Kurama go straight to the other side. I will send a ball over."

"Alright" Kurama said while Tsurugi nodded.

It was time for the second half to start. It was our kick off. As soon as the whistle blew our ball was stolen by #10 who passed the ball over to Mahoro. He slip past the midfielders to the defense used his HS, Phantom Shot. This time Amagi stopped in his way and used a brand new Defense Hissatsu. "Atlantis Wall!"

Amagi charges aura as the ground around them becomes an ocean, from where an ancient pyramid emerges. He then blocks Phantom shoot with an hexagonal energy shield. The phantom shoot does the disappearing technique but fortunately it was unable to fade through it.

Everyone on bench cheered as the shoot was stopped. The forwards as promised went to the other side. Amagi passed a long pass over to Shindou who received it. Shindou used HT, god's baton, to guide the ball to the forwards.  As Tsurugi got the ball he passed it over to Kurama on the other side to shoot. Kurama immediately used a new Hissatsu Shoot.

"Viper blade" He called out. A black aura surrounds him as he spins the ball and shoots it towards the goal. The black aura spins around the ball as it takes a form of a viper about to bite. 

The goalkeeper used a Hissatsu Catch to stop the shoot but Kurama's shoot was unable to be stopped and it broke through as a goal was scored. We were finally able to score a goal, so we cheered.

The game continued with us scoring a goal one by one. Another goal was shot by Kurama with the same HS. Then Shindou used a HS. Of course, Seishou switched their goal keeper to make sure we would be unable to get past them but Tsurugi brought out his Avatar and shot instead and scored a goal. Same With Nishiki as well, he also let out his avatar and shot a goal. In the end we won the game with a lead of 4-3.

"Raimon has won against Seishou Gakuen. Which means, they will be in the semi finals!"

We did it, we were finally in the semi-finals.


Yes, 2 more matches to go...

And I would like to update on the climax of the story, I am currently working on the final chapters of the story. Hopefully, I will finish it by June.

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