Chapter 6 [A Sleepy day]

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Date: 19 April, Monday

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing loudly. I grabbed my pillow and cover my ears with it. After a while i switched off the alarm clock. I wanted to sleep so much. It didn't last long before Tenkishi ran into my room and jumped on me. He started bouncing and saying that I'm late for school and morning practice.

"What are you talking about it's Sunday?"


He grabbed my pillow and started hitting me with it. Ah, if only it was a bit softer like a marshmallow i wouldn't had woken up. Tenkishi went out of the room after i sat up.I rubbed my eyes to look at the clock. It was 6:53.

'God, why?'

I pulled of my blanket and went to do my morning routine. I didn't wear the school jacket but tied it on my waist, before grabbing my bag over my shoulder and lazily walking out my room. Aki-Nee told me that my hair was a mess as she gave me the lunchbox. I put it in my bag before walking to school.

'I skipped morning practice today. Hmmm... My excuse... '

I reached to class to find Aoi and Shinsuke wasn't there. I sat in my seat and laid my head on the desk. It was so quiet that i accidentally fell asleep. Someone nudged me the moment i closed my eyes. It was Aoi.

"Why weren't you at practice?"

"Sorry, I...Overslept"

"Why? Didn't you sleep?"

"Yeah, but..."

"You know you missed 2 practices now?"

"2? I missed one and its today morning"

"No, You had a practice at the riverbank on Sunday with Coach Endou and the first years."

'F*ck me'

"Anyways make sure to go to Coach directly during lunch time"

She ruffled my hair before going back to her seat. Class started so i payed attention to the teacher.









Is that what i thought? YUP!

I got scolded by every teacher for sleeping during the lesson. One teacher said that if i can't pay attention in class, i shouldn't be paying attention to soccer.


During lunch time i got up to go see coach. Aoi came behind me and asked.

"Do you want me to comb your hair before you go?"

"...Is it that messy?..."

"Yes, come one"

She pulled my hand and took me to the bench on the bridge connecting to the soccer club building. She brushed my hair while humming quietly. Maybe it was her humming that made me fall asleep again. As she slowly brushed my hair while humming, my eyes lids became heavy... and...




I held my head as i was in pain. I lost my consciousness and fell to the side where my head met the metal handle of the bench.

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