Chapter 58 [Zodiac Eleven vs Dragon Link]

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Zodiac had positioned themselves in the form of 4-4-2. The defense contained;  Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo and Taurus. The midfielders contained; Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Cancer. For the forwards, Libra and Gemini stood by. And the goal was protected by Aries.

Libra held the captain's band on his arm. He was still a bit nervous about fighting here at this moment. It was the moment he had waiting for an year almost.  As everyone was in position the referee blew the whistle as the match started with the kick off from Zodiac Eleven.

Gemini who received the ball from Libra immediately started moving up along with Cancer following after him. #10 and #11 of Dragon Link tried to cover the both of them but was instantly broken through. Libra on the other hand approached them slowly and calmy. Though the forwards tried to cover him, other members of Zodiac covered them from approaching Libra.

Gemini and Cancer were both synchronized with each other and moving up quite fast. But as they approached the defense, both of them were blown away the Avatar which was released by the both players. Both of they immediately looked at each other and nodded as they  both approached the defenders leaving the ball behind.

Before anyone could take the ball Libra sprinted in and shot it into the sky as he was about to perform a Hissatsu tactics. Gemini and Cancer on the other hand covered the defenders by releasing some sort of an aura that surrounded them to form an animal.

The stadium was gasping in shock. Gemini resembled a falcon whilst Cancer resembled a white tiger. Aoi and the manager who watched over the match also dropped their jaw. Libra focused on the moment and used a HS, Heavenly Drop. The distracted goalkeeper was unable to react in time to protect the goal.

The tie was broken with that goal. 

"Zodiac Eleven takes the lead with a splendid shot!" The commentator announced.

Aoi watched over the match along with the other managers.

"Holy moly, What was that thing?" Midori uttered in shock.

"I have never seen anything like that." Aoi replied.

"That's called a soul." The brunette next to them spoke. "It's similar to Avatar except it takes the form of an animal instead of complex looking spirits."

The managers turned to him in surprise. "How do you know that?" Aoi asked him.

He turned to them and sighed. "It's still not time yet."

All players were in their position ready for Dragon link's kick off. As the kick off began, Dragon Link immediately started their attack. With all forwards moving ahead at lighting fast. The Zodiacs tighten their defense as they all stayed close by. The midfielders tried to stop the forwards but they released there avatar and got past them. 

As #10 and #11 approached the goal, Taurus released his aura. Taking the form of a Red Bull, he immediately pushed #10 who had the ball and passed it to Capricorn. #7 approached her to take the ball, but she used her HO, Beautiful Hoop. She dribbled past the opponents as she shot the ball towards Gemini. #6 cut in and stole the ball from Gemini and passed it over to #9. 

As #9 approached with the ball, Sagittarius came in and stole the ball using her soul. Taking the form of an Armadillo she spun into the opponent and took the ball away. She passed the ball over to Cancer who proceeded past the midfielders.  As #3 and #5 approached to stop Cancer, Libra ran in to cover #2 from moving. As the two players tackled on Cancer, Gemini came in and took the ball. He released his Aura to take the form of a Falcon and used it's claw to drag the ball into the air and release it as a shot.

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