Chapter 39 [Eisei Gakuen]

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Date: 10th June, Thursday

Tenma's POV

Today was the practice match against Eisei Gakuen. All of us were in our positions ready for the whistle to kick off. Here were the line-ups for today.

FW Kageyama
FW Kurama
MD Nishiki
MD Tenma
MD Shindou
MD Hamano
DF Kurumada
DF Kariya
DF Amagi
DF Shuu
GK Sangoku

Shuu volunteered to be a defender, even though Kirino returned Coach didn't want to push him too far. So Kirino watch us play from the bench. Coach also wanted to see how Kageyama is as a forward since in second team he played as a forward before. Will he be able to keep up with us? Eisei kicked off as the whistle blew.

#10 broke through Kageyama from the left side of the field and approached Nishiki. #11 called out for a pass so he received the ball from #10. I tried to steal from him but he used a HT. #11 passed to #9 who was open on the right side. Upon getting the ball #9 used HS, Astro Break. And shot a goal. Kariya stepped in at that moment to stop the shoot with his HT, Hunter's Net. But his HT was not enough to stop the shoot completely. Sangoku used his HT, Fence of Gaia to stop the shoot.

Sangoku threw the ball towards Amagi, who passed the ball over to Shindou. Nishiki moved up but was cornered by #6. So I moved up but was cornered by #7. Shindou passed the ball over to Hamano. He used his HT, to break past #8. He passed the ball overhead to Kurama, but Kurama was completely cornered by three of the defenders. As Kageyama called out to him, he passed the ball over. Kageyama caught it but the ball was immediately taken by #2, who passed it over to #3. #7 who covering me moved away and I tried to go after but #6 who was covering for Nishiki didn't let the two of us get past him.

#3 passed the ball over to #7 and #8 who got together and used a duo HT, Fire Blizzard. Amagi and Kariya used their HTs. But They were unable to stop the shoot, so Sangoku used his HT but this time the shot went through. They scored a goal and was in the lead. Shindou told everyone to be more on defense for now.

The match went along in a slow pace, with both teams defending. Although we won the matches against Gassan and Hakuren, these guys were genuinely better than them. They were a lot quick to reactions like the moment we corner them they immediately pass it over to the open person behind. And most of all they were faster than us. By the first half ended they had scored 3 goals and left half of us breathless.

I noticed that Kariya had been moving a lot. He had always reacted to Eise's shoots. Although he was tiring himself out, he didn't looked exhausted during half time. He had his towel over his head and sat there looking down.

Kariya's POV

When Coach Endou came and told my opponent was Eisei Gakuen, I was really surprised. When I returned home everyone was looking for me. They all were saying how they gonna make me regret joining Raimon and not them. I was confident that we were better than them but this is mortifying. Maybe I shouldn't had been too confident when I gave my answer. I sighed and stood up after taking the towel over my head.

"I'm gonna go and cool my head with some water." I said to Shindou and Coach as I went to the nearby water tap. It was far enough away to not hear everyone's voices. I turned on the tap and let the water wet my hair.

"Masaki!" I heard my name call, so I turned the tap off and lifted my head. I saw Shiota, a good friend who welcomed me when I first came to Ohisama Enn.

"What?" I said to him as I averted my eyes and dried my hair with the towel.

"I thought you said Raimon is better than us. Then why are we ahead by 3 points? Hm?" I didn't know what to answer back to him. So I stayed silent as I looked down.

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