Chapter 52 [Raimon's Hero]

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Date: 3rd July, Saturday

Aoi's POV

Coach and I spoke over to the tablet to stop Tenma. Whatever Hissastu tactics he used before injured his ankle. If he does it again, he might actually break his foot. I looked over to the huge red tornado still spinning. My eyes widen as it suddenly cleared up with another blue tornado. I covered my mouth with my hands in horror.

The tornado split apart when it shrunk down and suddenly threw the players to the ground. Then there was Tenma standing in the middle. He was trembling and suddenly he fell to the ground. Silence filled the stadium. The whistle blew shortly afterwards as the match was over. 

"The- THE MATCH IS OVER. OUTEI'S GRID OMEGA FAILED ONCE AGAIN. RAIMON WILL BE PROCEEDING TO THE FINALS!" the commentator stuttered as he announced. Although the crowd was celebrating in our victory, all of the teammates rushed to the teammate who passed out. I grabbed some ice bags and as Shindou and the rest brought him to the bench. We all surrounded him worried. Coach contacted the medical team to prepare for the ambulance.

Coach removed Tenma's right shoe and socks to be surprised to see his foot swelled up in red. He grabbed the ice packs from me and put it on his foot as he tied it with a bandage. He picked up Tenma and carried him out. I followed after him, but before that I went out the locker room and grabbed mine and Tenma's bag.

I met up with Coach by the ambulance and convinced him to take me with him to the hospital. The rest of the team followed us but Coach told everyone to head back home for now. But they all were uncooperative.

"How can we just go home?" Kurama screamed angrily.

"Can't we all come along?" Amagi asked worriedly.

"Because of Tenma we are all able to stand here, so please let us stay by him" Shindou asked as he bowed.

Coach replied to them. "I understand that but too many people coming to the hospital will disturb everyone there."

"We will be quiet then. If they complain about us then we will leave." Sangoku made a deal.

"Let us stay please Coach. Tenma isn't just a teammate but also a great friend." Shinuke cried out.

Coach sighed before he mumbled under his breathe. "It's hard convincing your team Endou." I smiled as the realization that they all are a lot like Coach Endou.

"Fine, Ask Fukurebe to give you a ride to the hospital." He said to the team. All of them smiled and went back to the caravan.

"We can go now nurse." He told the nurse as he closed the doors and went to his seat in the front. The driver drove us away  to the hospital. The caravan was following us from the distance. I heard a phone ring from Tenma's bag and I opened his bag to pick up his call. It was his mom.

I gulped before I took the call. "Hello?"

"Hello, who is this?" She asked.

"I'm Aoi, the manager of Raimon and also a friend of Tenma." I introduced myself to her.

"Is he alright?" She asked worried.

"We are unsure, his foot is swelled up and we are on the way to Inazuma General Hospital." Informed her.

"I'll tell Aki to go there. Take care of him. If he wakes up tell him, his mother is on the way." She told me to inform Tenma.

"I will let him know." I replied to her. She hung the phone up. I looked over to Tenma who still had not woken up.


After arriving the nurses took him away to the emergency room. Only Coach was allowed to go in so I waited outside. The team arrived shortly to the corridor.

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