Chapter 29 [Tenki's Match]

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Date: 29th May, Saturday

Tenma's POV

This past week I had been coming to the Riverbank to train him for his upcoming test to see if he can make it to the Kids Football Club. I will say he improved a lot in the past week. He was a lot quicker to react and able to steal the ball from me. 

Today was the day that Raimon was gonna be having a match against Gassan Kunimitsu. Instead of finding out why Coach had dismissed me from the team I decided to be a better, dependable and supporting  older brother. I sat on the slope to watch the match from a distance. Even so it was quite enjoyable. I saw 3 kids fall while playing. But i don't think the moms who are standing watching their children appreciate me laughing now and then. So I try to keep my laughter, but it can be quite hard when the child starts throwing a tantrum and bawling their eyes out.

Once in a while my brother will look at me and I'd give him a thumb's up with a grin. After seeing that I think he calms his nervousness a bit. It was quite adorable. Although we tend to fight sometimes, there are time when we don't. It was nice to see my brother enjoying a sport he genuinely liked.

"Looks like this is where you were." I recognized a familiar voice. I paused for a moment thinking maybe it wasn't them. I turned my head to see a woman with short light brown hair and light greyish blue eyes. She was wearing a light green and white striped mid sleeved blouse with blue pants up to her knees.

"MOM?!" I blurted out in surprise.

"Hello Tenma." She said as sit sat down next to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her still in surprise.

"Well, I heard you were gonna be playing in the frontier tournament, but it seems like you didn't get a chance to appear in the game today." She said. She came here to watch me?

"Oh, the coach dismissed me from the game." I said as I looked away from her. I couldn't really face her to tell the lie. "Why did he do that?" She asked.

"Oh I hurt my ankle so Coach said it would be better to play after I was better." I said as I laughed off and faced her.

"Oh really?" She asked to make sure. She looked at me deeply to keep the eye contact.

"Yeah." I said as my eyes looked away.

"Liar" She said as she figured out I was lying.

"Eh? how did you know?" I blurted out in surprise.

"I'm your mother I know when you are lying." She said proudly.

"That sucks" I said as I pouted. "Also you tend to look away when you lie a lot." She explained. "Oh I see." I guess it is something parents notice after raising us.

"So Tenkishi wants to play soccer as well?" She said changing the subject.

"Ah, I guess" I said.

"Have you both being getting along well?" She asked. "Yeah, i helped him train to play the game this week." I answered proudly.

"Have you both been eating well?" She asked. "Yeah, Aki-nee calls us every time dinner is ready." I answered.

"Do you both miss Okinawa?" She asked all of a sudden.

"... I don't. But I don't know about Tenki. I think he likes it here." I answered.

"I see" She said in a sad tone.

A whistle was blown as the game had ended. I got up and slide down the grass to the ground. Tenki came running to me at full speed and hugged me. I patted his head and told him. "Good job, you did amazing."

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