Chapter 42 [Shinsuke's return]

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Date: 14th June, Monday

Tenma's POV

I was running late to class today as I had overslept after watching a cartoon marathon with Tenki yesterday. I had a lot of messages from Aoi and a few missed calls. As I was running through the halls I noticed the class teacher heading towards the classroom. I quickly took one of the paper ball from the trash bin in the hallway and threw it at his head. I sprint past him crouching as he turned around to see who threw the paper ball. I quickly opened the door and took my seat.

Everyone in the classroom were looking baffled by me. As the doors open the class teacher yelled while I took a deep breath to avoid getting caught panting. "Okay who just entered the classroom?"

I turned around and exhaled. I looked over to some classmates shook my head slowly in a sign 'please don't snitch'. The class representative then spoke up. "Sorry sir, that was me checking outside. But I saw you and immediately closed the door."

"Did you see someone else behind me then? Someone threw this paper ball at my head."

"No sir." He replied.

Teacher sighed before speaking. "Alright, everyone take your seat."

Everyone went back in their seats and the class began. As the class began and my attention went forward and I realized who was sitting in front of me. Shinsuke!. I smiled brightly and wrote a note. I poked his shoulder and passes the note to him. I asked him how he was and he wrote back, he has a lot to catch up on so we can talk after class. It seemed like he was in  a bad mood. So I waited till lunch break.


"Shinsuke, glad to have you back in class." Kariya said to Shinsuke whilst he drank his apple juice packet.

"Yeah, it's great be back but apparently I have been removed from the team." Shinsuke said in sad tone.

"WHAT?! what do you mean you have been removed?!" I asked Angrily.

"I don't know, I got a message from Captain Ichino-san that I have been removed from the team." He sniffled softly as tears swelled his eyes. I was so angry was about to storm out of the classroom and go find Ichino. But one of the classmates called Shinsuke all of a sudden. It was Ichino. He was here his friend. They came in and started to talking to us.

"Hello Shinsuke, are you feeling better?" Ichino asked Shinsuke.

"NO! He's not. Because you removed him from the team." I screamed at him.

"What? Oh no... That's why I came here. Shinsuke when I was texting you, I dropped my phone and it got damaged. The screen literally had lines over it." Ichino explained.


"Well I was trying to say that Coach informed me to tell you that we are removing you from the second team because you have been moved to the first team." Ichino said with a smile.

"WHAT?!" Shinsuke said in shock.

"Yeah congratulations Shinsuke." The guy next to Ichino congratulated him.

"That's great." I gave Shinsuke a pat on the back.

"Sorry I didn't contact afterwards I didn't remember anyone contact number so I came to tell you in person." Ichino said. "Anyways we got to go alright. Have a great day Shinsuke."  They said as they left our classroom.

"Oh my god, Shinsuke you get to be a part of first team." Aoi said.

"YEAH! This is the best day ever." He said in a bright smile as his day became greater.

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