Chapter 38 [Pawns are Sacrifices]

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Date: 8th June, Tuesday

Tenma's POV

Yesterday Tsurugi and I were barely able to finish the training menu's before 7pm. Tenki and his friend learned a simple HS by the name of Rapid Boost. You just push the ball downward to spin and shoot a ball quickly. Because it was spinning downward, the ball will curve to the left when reaching to the goal. It was HS, created by Yuuichi when he was in elementary. But the only disadvantage of that HS was that it will usually work if you shoot it from the left side of the field. If you shot it from the right side it will completely turn to the left side avoiding the goal.

"Tenma!" Aoi called my name and brought me back to reality. I forgot I was already in the classroom.

"Class just finished, are not heading to the club?" She asked me.

" Of course, I am I was just remembering yesterday that's all." I replied to her.

"it seems Shinsuke didn't come today." She said sadly.

"Yeah, well he did send me a text saying. He will rest and come as soon as possible." I reassured her.

"I see, come on let's go to the club." She said. I packed my bag before I left with her to the club. When we arrived at the club we were greeted by the second years introducing an old friend of theirs.

"Tenma, Aoi. I'd like you to meet Nishiki Ryouma." Hamano introduced him. Nishiki was quite tall with dark skin and large eyebrows. He had long black hair tied into a ponytail. I remebered him showing up yesterday to stop the shoot against Shinsuke.

"Oh, you're the guy from yesterday. Thank you so much for covering for Shinsuke at that moment." I bowed and thanked him.

"I apologize I couldn't stop the other shoot. I swear next time I will make sure to block it." He also apologized as his face turned a bit worried.

"No worries, Shinsuke mentioned to thank you for stopping that shoot." I told him.

"How is he by the way?" He asked about Shinsuke.

"He's resting at home, he said he will try to come back as soon as possible." I reassured him.

He sighed in relief before he spoke."That's good to know."

"What about the second team? Are they alright?" I asked Hamano.

"Oh yeah, Coach Kazemaru has dismissed them all to rest for the week." He said he scratched the back of his head.

"What?" Aoi said in shock.

"He said It's better this way. He doesn't want anyone to push themselves when they are injured." Kurama replied.

"I see." she said.

"Where have you been Nishiki senpai?" I asked him. He wasn't here at the beginning of the year so I was kind of curious.

"Oh I was participating in the Italy Pro league. I came back last Saturday." He relied with a huge grin.

"Italy Pro League?! That's Amazing! What did they teach you? You have go to teach us Senpai?" I asked him excitedly.

"Well, I'd love to teach but I don't think I'm great at these things." He said laughing it off. Coach Ichihoshi came in told us to meet at the stadium immediately, so we all changed into our uniforms before heading to the field.

When we reached there Coach Endou and Coach Kazemaru was there.

"Coach Endou?!" I said in surprise along with the others.

"Alright is everyone here? Nishiki, Welcome back. Unfortunately I can't be here for too long as I have to head back so I will be quick. Since yesterday Second team was attacked by unknown team. We have decided to forfeit from their match this Saturday." Coach Endou annouced regarding about the second teams matches.

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